Errors, bugs, questions - page 364


The character database (market watch) is asynchronously and randomly updated from the server. You can't rely on its order in any way.

The tester is a separate program, often remote. In the tester, the symbol base is not completely transferred, and only those symbols that are used in calculations - this is done to save resources. Therefore, the order of symbols (added to the list of active symbols in the tester) is different.

Use symbol names in parameters - this is a more secure option.

How often does the terminal update ? Every second, or every day at terminal start when there is a new trade instrument in the brokerage company? What initiates the marketwatch update?
I'd love to, but I can't, it'll be crooked.

There is always a way out of every situation... Not always a pretty one, though...

Assign each required pair a numeric code and pass it, if strings don't work...


There is always a way out of every situation... Not always a pretty one, though...

Assign a numeric code to each pair you need and pass it if you can't do it with strings...

I agree there is always a way out.

As a matter of fact, I did so, I just used a sequence of marktwatch characters as a reference sequence. I knew it was dynamic, but I didn't think it was dynamic without user control.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string
Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string - Документация по MQL5
I would like to know how often the terminal update is performed? Every second, every day at terminal start when there is a new trading instrument in the brokerage company? What initiates the marketwatch update?

Updates can be in any case of changing the characteristics of the symbols including adding/removing. Since additions/deletions of symbols are quite rare and are usually made after-hours, they are usually unnoticeable for traders, but can be unpleasant for Expert Advisors that have laid on the fixed order of symbols at the start.

The frequency depends entirely on the broker and the specifics of the market (many instrument parameters may be variable and change frequently).


Updates can be in any case of changing symbol characteristics, including additions/deletions. As adding/removing symbols is quite rare and usually done after hours, this is usually unnoticeable to traders, but can be unpleasant for EAs, who at the start have laid on a fixed order of symbols.

The frequency depends entirely on the broker and market specifics (many instrument parameters may be floating and change frequently).

In this case, I get the list in the Inite, then a copy of the list is used as a reference for coding during transmission through numeric channels, and to avoid failures during transmission to another program, I use saving the list to a file and transferring the file. So rare changes to the list will not be affected.
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileMove
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileMove
Файловые операции / FileMove - Документация по MQL5
Are there plans to use a different Indent style in the code editor styler? It seems a bit lopsided to impose one style. I, for example, write everything in OTBS and don't use the styler at all. And in the current version of the styler I find the use of indent spaces instead of tabs to be questionable, this should be configurable.
Are there any plans to use a different Indent style in the code editor styler? It looks a little lopsided to impose one style on another. I, for example, write everything in OTBS and don't use the styler at all. And in the current version of the styler, I find the use of indent spaces instead of tabs to be questionable, and this should be configurable.

Yes, the editor will be seriously improved, including a customizable stylizer.

A new version of MQL5 Wizard will be available in the next build.


It's not the character order or the number of characters, but the order and number of characters at the same time are different in the terminal and the tester.

In general, I solved the problem by passing the list of characters to the tester through a file. Although I honestly think it is a bug.

It's not a bug, it's a peculiarity of working in the strategy tester.

Trick is that the list in the tester should be generated independently (how it is a separate issue).

And the symbol which is used in testing gets into the list forcedly, if you need multicurrency work, then the rest are added in the order you are interested in.

For example I have lined up symbols in a specific order in the terminal, in the same order in multicurrency mode and build a list in the tester.


If the question is about copying list from terminal to tester or about custom sorting lists it's request to serversyssdesk.

if so I will join such a request (in some cases it will be useful).



Please specify in the description of the new release the status of yellow with EventChartCustom in the tester (of course, if this condition has changed on the workability).

Maybe I am blind but I found only one mention in description, about change of returned result.

I can not check it yet as I am not working on my hardware :(



Please specify in the description of the new release the status of yellow with EventChartCustom in the tester (of course, if this condition has changed on the workability).

Maybe I am blind but I found only one mention in description, about change of returned result.

I can not check it yet as I am not working on my hardware :(

It's OK: "30. MetaTester: Added possibility to process custom events for MQL5 programs in the tester".
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы графиков / Типы событий графика
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы графиков / Типы событий графика
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы графиков / Типы событий графика - Документация по MQL5