Errors, bugs, questions - page 218


Is it possible to programmatically set focus in CChartObjectEdit object?

That is, you need to be able to enter text into the input field immediately after it is created and without activating it with the mouse.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов - Документация по MQL5

A request to the developers. While the work on MT5 is boiling and changes are still being made, it would be very nice to expand the number of optimization passes.

As far as I understood the solution for so many tasks is found for about 10 000 variants may be a little more or a little less. A few hours of searching on one processor and the best variants have been found.

Versatility of MQL5+OP+Multicore testing allows us to look at new horizons of tasks (e.g. searching for patterns) that can be solved using MT5 tools.

But here is the trouble:

The article posted on your site has an example of genetic algorithm where it took 3^100 forward brute force to solve a search problem on 100 bars - well that's a bit more than LongInt :) while the solution was found in 17 000 iterations. Genetic algorithm can find solutions for much more variants than LongInt. And this limitation is completely unfounded and obsolete. Well, except that at this final stage of MT5 it will be difficult to do so.

A very big request to the developers, if it is not too difficult, please make the number of passes at least 2^LongInt (2 to the power).

The CopyRates() function[start and end date reference] does not work, it keeps throwing error 4001.

Strange. This is the third time. There are two points on the graph that are close in value, but one in the results.


A request to the developers. While the work on MT5 is boiling and changes are still being made, it would be very nice to expand the number of optimization passes.

As far as I understood the solution for many tasks is found for about 10 000 variants may be a little more or a little less. A few hours of searching on one processor and the best variants have been found.

Versatility of MQL5+OP+Multicore testing allows us to look at new horizons of tasks (e.g. searching for patterns) that can be solved using MT5 tools.

But here is the trouble:

The article posted on your site has an example of genetic algorithm where it took 3^100 forward brute force to solve a search problem on 100 bars - well that's a bit more than LongInt :) while the solution was found in 17 000 iterations. Genetic algorithm can find solutions for much more variants than LongInt. And this limitation is completely unfounded and obsolete. Well, except that at this final stage of MT5 it will be difficult to do so.

A very big request to the developers, if it is not too difficult, please make the number of passes at least 2^LongInt (2 to the power).

Nothing complicated, we need to tweak algorithm exit criterion, one variable in one line. Change parameter from hardcoded to intput.
sultanm: Strange. This is the third time. There are two closely related points on the graph, but only one in the results.
When I asked such questions, I was sent to read the article"Genetic algorithms: it's simple". Maybe you will find the answer there.
Генетические алгоритмы - это просто!
Генетические алгоритмы - это просто!
  • 2010.05.25
  • Andrey Dik
В статье автор расскажет об эволюционных вычислениях с использованием генетического алгоритма собственной реализации. Будет показано на примерах функционирование алгоритма, даны практические рекомендации по его использованию.

"Strange. This is the third time. There are two points on the graph that are close in value, but there is only one in the results."

How about clicking here ?


How about clicking here ?

Where exactly do you click? On the column name or on the result of the calculation?

On the name of the column.

Where exactly do you click? On the column name or on the result of the calculation?
When you click on a column, all the data is sorted in ascending order of that column, so that a pass that is somewhere down but close to the result is sorted next to it.