Errors, bugs, questions - page 156


And when can the results of the optimisation be saved already?


I have a small suggestion.

Why not make reports in mht(web archive), it seems more convenient for users.

1 report - 1 file, not 2 as now (html and png)

Web-archive is a specialized file format, designed for IE. Do you think it will suit everyone?

Not only is it not standard, but in terms of creation it is more "cumbersome" (although if the developers will do it, you can add it as an alternative option).


And when can the results of the optimisation be saved already?

They are already saved in your tester\cache folder as an XML file with a table, which can be opened with Excel or OpenOffice.Calc
They are already saved in your tester\cache folder as an XML file with a table, which you can open with Excel or OpenOffice.Calc
Like in MT4 for lazy people who don't want to go into the folder

A web archive is a specialised file format tailored for IE. Do you think it will suit everybody?

Not only that it is not standard, but in terms of creation more "cumbersome" (although if the developers will do it, you can add as an alternative).

Pomoyu it is a very common format, and all browsers support it.

It even opens it in Word.

I checked it specially, it's the same html with BASE64 inserts, so the implementation is not difficult.

Like in MT4 for lazy people who don't want to go into a folder
Let's do
Make it
I think it's very widespread format and all browsers support it.

IE definitely supports it. Try to find a way to save the pagi in this format in, say, Mozilla or Opera.

The latest versions of these browsers may have learned to open this file, but it's still not their native format.

By the way, you never know what Linux will say about it....


Even Word opens it.

I looked into it, it's the same html with BASE64 templates, so the implementation is not complicated.

Good point :)

I would be surprised if I suddenly discovered that the file created in MS IE does not open in MS Word

Just open it correctly in, say, Open Office... :)


And we all know how MS likes standards, the key word is "likes"...


IE definitely supports it. Try to find a way to save the pagi in this format in, say, Mozilla or Opera.

The latest versions of these browsers may have learned to open this file, but it's still not their native format.

No one knows what Linux has to say about this....

In Opera this feature seems to have appeared earlier, at least I've seen it there first time.

Mozilla is known by the fact that there is nothing in it, and you set it up as you like with plugins, plugin for saving is of course there.

But about the opening, I can't believe anyone doesn't open it.

Unless the browsers are 15 years old. Linux is probably all right too.


IE definitely supports it. Try to find a way to save the pagi in this format in, say, Mozilla or Opera.

Maybe the latest versions of these browsers have learned to open this file, but it's still not their native format.

By the way, you do not know what Linux will say about it....

Strong argument :)

I would be surprised if I suddenly discovered that the file created in MS IE does not open in MS Word

Just let it open correctly in, say, Open Office... :)


And we all probably know how MS likes standards, the key word is "likes"...

I would not say that Word opens correctly, so OpenOffice I think also not very nice.

But they also open Html.

Browsers open all, and such a simple file I think everything is correct.