Errors, bugs, questions - page 28

Anybody advise how to install mt5 on a pc for the first time mt4 is installed without any problems

What kind of CPU and OS?
Is it just me, or does the 291 release really get a 0 in _UninitReason instead of 2 when compiling?
Can anyone tell me how to install mt5 on a pc for the first time this is the first time mt4 is installed without any problems

Here's a close-up.

1. where do you download the installer file from?

2. At what point does the error appear?

3. Please give me some screenshots.

Is it just me, or does the 291 release really get a 0 in _UninitReason instead of 2 when compiling the EA?

Just checked it. The reason for deinitialization is 2. Recompiled several times.
Документация по MQL5: Проверка состояния / UninitializeReason
Документация по MQL5: Проверка состояния / UninitializeReason
Проверка состояния / UninitializeReason - Документация по MQL5
Just checked. Reason for deinitialization 2. Recompiled several times

That's really 2.

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
Print("reason ",reason);

And like this, 0.

int OnInit()
Print("_UninitReason ",_UninitReason);
Hello, I have a serious problem with the MT5 terminal. When I start the terminal, only the price line (bid) is moving, while the candlesticks (bars) are not drawing/changing. Hence, the price moves without changing the chart. I have a question: How can this problem be solved? In fact, everything is working fine in MT4! I tried to reinstall the terminal, but it didn't help! I had such trouble with several brokers... Can you tell me what to do in this situation?
1.png  31 kb

That's really 2.

And like this, 0.

In that case the previous builds should have returned 0 too.

What's going on? Upon successful compilation, the old EA is deinitialized and unloaded from the terminal. Then the recompiled (new) EA is loaded into the terminal and it does not know anything about its previous life. Since the previous EA has unloaded and took all its data.


In that case the previous builds should have returned 0 as well.

What happens? When compilation is successful, old EA is deinitialized and unloaded from terminal. Then the recompiled (new) EA is loaded into the terminal and it does not know anything about its previous life. Since the previous EA has unloaded and took all its data.

The previous ones were OK. The triple(REASON_CHARTCHANGE) returns to normal here, too (if you run through TF)...
What CPU and OS?
os cr CPU 4

Here's a close-up.

1. where are you downloading the installer file from?

2. At what point does the error appear?

3. Provide screenshots.

I copy mt5setup.exe from this website to my PC, then I run it and immediately get setup error os XP CPU. 4.