Errors, bugs, questions - page 5


A new word in librarianship, or the amazing next to it...

I have created an Expert Advisor that uses the library, checked it all works. I have created an archive containing the Expert Advisor, this library and some MQL5 and MQH files. I gave the archive to the developer for testing.

However, it is strange because the customer says that everything runs correctly. Magnetic storms maybe?

I started to understand what works (or rather doesn't work) and discovered a surprising fact - Terminal sees the compiled library in the directory (as *.ex5), but stubbornly "washes" it, which is not very good, as you understand...

After trying many possible reasons for such behaviour, I decided to place the original file (as *.mq5) in the folder with the library. I tried to add an EA to the chart - oh my god, it worked.


By the way, the same thing happens to the Expert Advisor itself, the *.ex5 file is persistently deleted... :(

This is a very bad symptom!

I had it the same way yesterday. After terminal update it stubbornly searched for file with source and deleted compiled without it.

After normal reinstallation from site "bug" disappeared.

Today again asked to restart after auto-update. Apparently the "bug" has been removed. But I decided to update only from website.

Why and why terminal source file???


По ходу пьесы у меня созрел ряд вопросов:

1. Why doesn't the Expert Advisor work if the library is only represented as .ex5?

2. Why does the terminal stubbornly delete this file from the directory?

3. Why doesn't the terminal log have a clear comment about all of the above?

4. Why doesn't the documentation say this behavior is possible?

And finally the fifth and final question - how do I cope with all this and what am I doing wrong (may be the terminal is missing one EX5 file and searching for something, for example a header file or the library itself)?


By the way, I have the same bug with Expert Advisor itself, it stubbornly deletes *.ex5 file... :(

For some reason I don't see your request in the service-desk

Forced recompilation of EAs is associated with a change of compiler version. The new compiler generates slightly different code, which is incompatible with the previous version.

For some reason I don't see your request in the service-desk
Well, that's because it wasn't there... :)

Forced recompilation of EAs is associated with a change of compiler version. The new compiler generates slightly different code, which is incompatible with the previous version.

I see, I was making it on 279 and didn't expect such changes for the new release...


For the future - will it be possible not to delete files forcibly, if the terminal detects the original version, but instead just let it stupid write in the log that I need to update ex5?

I may understand why expert doesn't want to work, but customer may not realize...

Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileDelete
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileDelete
Файловые операции / FileDelete - Документация по MQL5

The EX5 files in new builds are being actively updated, so the terminal is deleting old versions.

Just in the 281 build, the version has changed again.

In some time the process will stabilise and we will stop changing versions of compiled files.

For the future - can we not forcibly delete files if the terminal detects the original versions, but instead just let them write in the log about the need to update ex5?

I may understand why expert doesn't want to work, but customer may not realize...

Yes. It's a sensible idea to log the rationale for deleting old versions.
Yes. It's a sensible idea to write in a log to justify removal of old versions.

Preferably do not delete anything at all, without user permission. At least, if terminal has not found source file with same name as ex5.

If terminal found source file, it can recompile automatically, but if not, just let it know if it's needed.


I think this is the right approach when working with any files which are not included in the basic package. And who knows if the user can restore these files...


it says in the help.

int day_of_year; // serial number of the year (1 February is the 32nd day of the year)

For some reason it always comes out as 31 ((

the script attached

in the file

2010.02.01 00:00:00 143.832 143.839 143.758 143.771 186 2010 2 1 0 0 1 31

666.mq5  3 kb