The forum seems to be working, but there are comments - page 2

kombat :

if you click on a topic in the list, the last post would go straight to...

would make...

Yeah. And it doesn't scroll down to the bottom of the page after a new post.

HideYourRichess :

Yes, it does. And it doesn't scroll down to the bottom of the page after a new message.

Yeah, that too...
HideYourRichess :

Nah, it's just fun to see a guy with so many posts on a new empty forum. Obviously, it's the developers.

I know it's fun. But I'm in no rush. It'll work itself out eventually. Where will it go. The forum at first glance (just at first) will be a little better.
And the link to the list of topics is also missing.

posted a link

then decided to change it to

it didn't work...

Had to post a new one and delete the first one.

(I mean ready-made links, just didn't make them active now)

Нужен новый проц ??? - MQL4 форум
Нужен новый проц ??? - MQL4 форум
I wish we could make a navigator at the bottom as well !!!
It should be shown at the top and bottom of pages. It's annoying to have to turn the page up and down.

add a favicon...

so that you can see it in the browser bar.

HideYourRichess :
It should be shown at the top and bottom. Tired of scrolling up and down the page

kombat 2009.11.19 18:01

would also make a navigator at the bottom too !!!

2009.11.19 18:01:10

I support both of them.

MetaDriver :
2009.11.19 18:01:10

I support both of them.

I didn't post the line marked in red. Born on its own in the process of being added. A glitch in the forum.