Optimization on a dual-processor computer - page 6

If you know the hardware, please advise me on what to focus on when building a computer. I am making EAs (yet on MT4) and my old laptop is not able to keep up. I understand that I need a processor with the maximum number of cores and speed and the RAM?
Aleksandr Kononov #:
Advise me, who is in the subject of iron, what to focus on when building a computer. I make EAs (yet on MT4) and the old laptop is not pulling at all. I realise that I need a processor with maximal number of cores and maximal speed.

If at all cheap used then comps/notics from 2012-14. 4 cores physical / 8 logical and memory minimum 8 (the cheapest option), better 16 (slabs more expensive by 2 times per memory unit than 4gb). With a creaking will pull. Further, comps per unit of power don't get cheaper at all.

I've looked at the prices, intel core i5 processor is still acceptable, but i7 is already a bit pricey. Is the i5 relevant today or is it better to save up for an i7 build?

I bought a laptop with i7 back in 2013. I recommend it. Memory 8GB is the lower limit. 2GB per thread is recommended. Memory can be overclocked, processor - no point and more detrimental.

That is if we are talking about notebook. But I gave up my notebook for ATX. And I wouldn't advise the processor here. But I would take an Intel. And I think maximal performance is given by the number of threads and memory size (and performance). CPU frequency is for later.

PS: You can buy on Ali cheap slightly outdated, but powerful processors. And for them inexpensive new Chinese motherboards and memory of some good Chinese brands (Machinist, Kllisre, ...) According to reviews on youtube - worth it. Don't buy anything else out there. SSDs are not bad, but not much cheaper than in Russia, there's no point without warranty.
thanks for the answers

My home computer is I5-2500K, 32GB, RAID1 (mirror) of 2 SSDs + 1100VA UPS.

MT5 lives on it in one of the virtualis which has 3 cores and 6GB. Hardly enough, but enough.

I consider an uninterruptible power supply (the router sits on it) a must if it is not a laptop with its own battery.

Aleksandr Kononov #:
I am making EAs(on MT4 so far ) and my old laptop is no longer able to keep up.

If you sit on 4, you don't need many cores. MT4 seems to only run on one core.

You need a higher frequency.

What to look for when choosing a computer to optimise for mt5.
What are the minimum specifications and what are desirable, to increase performance?
Roman Kutemov #:
What to pay attention to when choosing a computer for optimization on mt5.
What are the minimum specifications and what are desirable, to increase performance?
The more cores (threads), the better. There should be 2GB of RAM for each optimization agent.
But this is all approximate and depends on the Expert Advisor and optimization parameters.
Sergei Makarevich:

Good morning to all.

Can you advise, if someone met, bother, studied the issue of the possibility and desirability of the acquisition of a dual-processor computer with a large number of threads to perform optimizations? There is a question about buying a computer and the idea occurred to me, but something inside me, primitive, suggests that the implementation of such a project does not succeed.

There is no software that makes two CPUs merge their threads and direct them to perform calculations.

Are you talking about MT4 or MT5?