MetaTrader 5 Python User Group - how to use Python in Metatrader - page 54


Update to 5.0.27

  pip install --upgrade MetaTrader5

Backup the script

import MetaTrader5 as mt5
#  выведем данные о пакете MetaTrader5
print("MetaTrader5 package author: ",mt5.__author__)
print("MetaTrader5 package version: ",mt5.__version__)

#  установим подключение к терминалу MetaTrader 5
if not mt5.initialize():
    print("initialize() failed")

#  подключимся к торговому счету с указанием пароля и сервера
authorized=mt5.login(25115284, password="ваш_пароль",server="MetaQuotes-Demo")
    #  выведем данные о торговом счете
    print("Вывод каждого свойства отдельно:")
    for property in account_info:
        print("   ",property,"=",account_info[property])
    print("failed to connect to trade account 25115284 with password=gqz0lbdm")



MetaTrader5 package author:  MetaQuotes Software Corp.
MetaTrader5 package version:  5.0.27
{'login': 25115284, 'trade_mode': 0, 'leverage': 100, 'limit_orders': 200, 'margin_so_mode': 0, 'trade_allowed': True, 'trade_expert': True, 'margin_mode': 2, 'currency_digits': 2, 'fifo_close': False, 'balance': 97639.46, 'credit': 0.0, 'profit': -178.77, 'equity': 97460.69, 'margin': 704.8, 'margin_free': 96755.89, 'margin_level': 13828.134222474464, 'margin_so_call': 50.0, 'margin_so_so': 30.0, 'margin_initial': 0.0, 'margin_maintenance': 0.0, 'assets': 0.0, 'liabilities': 0.0, 'commission_blocked': 0.0, 'name': 'MetaQuotes Dev Demo', 'server': 'MetaQuotes-Demo', 'currency': 'USD', 'company': 'MetaQuotes Software Corp.'}
Вывод каждого свойства отдельно:
    login = 25115284
    trade_mode = 0
    leverage = 100
    limit_orders = 200
    margin_so_mode = 0
    trade_allowed = True
    trade_expert = True
    margin_mode = 2
    currency_digits = 2
    fifo_close = False
    balance = 97639.46
    credit = 0.0
    profit = -178.77
    equity = 97460.69
    margin = 704.8
    margin_free = 96755.89
    margin_level = 13828.134222474464
    margin_so_call = 50.0
    margin_so_so = 30.0
    margin_initial = 0.0
    margin_maintenance = 0.0
    assets = 0.0
    liabilities = 0.0
    commission_blocked = 0.0
    name = MetaQuotes Dev Demo
    server = MetaQuotes-Demo
    currency = USD
    company = MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Vladimir Perervenko:

Can you tell me more about the timer?

I haven't looked into it myself, just a search


5.0.27 already has, all structure sequence (analog of named tuple for C API) added _asdict() method

mt5.symbol_info()._asdict() -big thnx, what we need.

history_deals_get doesn't seem to be in structure sequence ... heh.

    deal = mt5.history_deals_get(position=order.position_id)._asdict()
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_asdict'

Just badly missing a construct that will give the attribute names, in the correct order. If forhistory_deals_get_asdict() is not realizable or contradicts the concept - at least an analogue of _fields fromcollections.namedtuple (python), then we can pull the correct order of attributes, not manually in loop, but manually. So far it works out something like:

       orders_deal = mt5.history_deals_get(from_date, to_date)
        orders_deal_frame = pd.DataFrame(orders_deal)

and the output:

          0          1           2              3   4   5   6   ...   11   12      13   14      15         16  17
0  519632807          0  1583873757  1583873757976   2   0   0  ...  0.0  0.0  1000.0  0.0
1  519653875  541985093  1583875090  1583875090615   1   0   0  ...  0.0  0.0     0.0  0.0  EURUSD  541984991
2  519654046  541985264  1583875102  1583875102086   0   0   0  ...  0.0  0.0     0.0  0.0  USDCHF  541984999
3  519654270  541985482  1583875116  1583875116676   0   0   0  ...  0.0  0.0     0.0  0.0  USDJPY  541985006
4  519654761  541985971  1583875151  1583875151725   1   0   0  ...  0.0  0.0     0.0  0.0  EURUSD  541985807

[5 rows x 18 columns]

Well, or noodlecode with loops.

Rashid Umarov:

Update to 5.0.27

Backup the script



Really comfortable in this part.

Дмитрий Прокопьев:

mt5.symbol_info()._asdict() -big thnx, that's it.

history_deals_get doesn't seem to fall into structure sequence ... heh.

Just badly missing a construct that will give the attribute names, in the correct order. If forhistory_deals_get_asdict() is not realizable or contradicts the concept - at least an analogue of _fields fromcollections.namedtuple (python), then we can pull the correct order of attributes, not manually in loop, but manually. So far it works out something like:

and the output:

Or noodle code with loops.

history_deals_get always returns a normal Python tuple with a collection of named TradeDeal inside it. In order to make it work, you need to access some index:

r = mt5.history_deals_get(position=544536443)
Дмитрий Прокопьев:

mt5.symbol_info()._asdict() -big thnx, what we need.

history_deals_get doesn't seem to fall into structure sequence ... heh.

Try it this way:

import MetaTrader5 as mt5
#  выведем данные о пакете MetaTrader5
print("MetaTrader5 package author: ",mt5.__author__)
print("MetaTrader5 package version: ",mt5.__version__)

#  установим подключение к терминалу MetaTrader 5
if not mt5.initialize():
    print("initialize() failed")

#  проверим наличие открытых позиций
    print("Total positions=",positions)
    #  выведем все открытые позиции
    for position in positions:
        for property in position_info:
            print("   ",property,"=",position_info[property])
        if count>=5:
    print("Positions not found")

#  завершим подключение к терминалу MetaTrader 5


MetaTrader5 package author:  MetaQuotes Software Corp.
MetaTrader5 package version:  5.0.27
Total positions= 80
1 : TradePosition(ticket=543426097, time=1584009003, time_msc=1584009003243, time_update=1584009003, time_update_msc=1584009003243, type=1, magic=0, identifier=543426097, reason=3, volume=0.01, price_open=1.12686, sl=1.14372, tp=1.10328, price_current=1.10665, swap=-0.01, profit=20.21, symbol='EURUSD', comment='', external_id='')
    ticket = 543426097
    time = 1584009003
    time_msc = 1584009003243
    time_update = 1584009003
    time_update_msc = 1584009003243
    type = 1
    magic = 0
    identifier = 543426097
    reason = 3
    volume = 0.01
    price_open = 1.12686
    sl = 1.14372
    tp = 1.10328
    price_current = 1.10665
    swap = -0.01
    profit = 20.21
    symbol = EURUSD
    comment = 
    external_id = 
2 : TradePosition(ticket=543438758, time=1584009602, time_msc=1584009602982, time_update=1584009602, time_update_msc=1584009602982, type=1, magic=0, identifier=543438758, reason=3, volume=0.01, price_open=1.1261700000000001, sl=1.14566, tp=1.09924, price_current=1.10665, swap=-0.01, profit=19.52, symbol='EURUSD', comment='', external_id='')
    ticket = 543438758
    time = 1584009602
    time_msc = 1584009602982
    time_update = 1584009602
    time_update_msc = 1584009602982
    type = 1
    magic = 0
    identifier = 543438758
    reason = 3
    volume = 0.01
    price_open = 1.1261700000000001
    sl = 1.14566
    tp = 1.09924
    price_current = 1.10665
    swap = -0.01
    profit = 19.52
    symbol = EURUSD
    comment = 
    external_id = 
3 : TradePosition(ticket=543438858, time=1584009610, time_msc=1584009610242, time_update=1584009610, time_update_msc=1584009610242, type=1, magic=0, identifier=543438858, reason=3, volume=0.02, price_open=1.12622, sl=1.14531, tp=1.09973, price_current=1.10665, swap=-0.02, profit=39.14, symbol='EURUSD', comment='', external_id='')
    ticket = 543438858
    time = 1584009610
    time_msc = 1584009610242
    time_update = 1584009610
    time_update_msc = 1584009610242
    type = 1
    magic = 0
    identifier = 543438858
    reason = 3
    volume = 0.02
    price_open = 1.12622
    sl = 1.14531
    tp = 1.09973
    price_current = 1.10665
    swap = -0.02
    profit = 39.14
    symbol = EURUSD
    comment = 
    external_id = 
4 : TradePosition(ticket=543521116, time=1584014410, time_msc=1584014410921, time_update=1584014410, time_update_msc=1584014410921, type=1, magic=0, identifier=543521116, reason=3, volume=0.02, price_open=1.1245, sl=1.14334, tp=1.09808, price_current=1.10665, swap=-0.02, profit=35.7, symbol='EURUSD', comment='', external_id='')
    ticket = 543521116
    time = 1584014410
    time_msc = 1584014410921
    time_update = 1584014410
    time_update_msc = 1584014410921
    type = 1
    magic = 0
    identifier = 543521116
    reason = 3
    volume = 0.02
    price_open = 1.1245
    sl = 1.14334
    tp = 1.09808
    price_current = 1.10665
    swap = -0.02
    profit = 35.7
    symbol = EURUSD
    comment = 
    external_id = 
5 : TradePosition(ticket=543686473, time=1584024008, time_msc=1584024008400, time_update=1584024008, time_update_msc=1584024008400, type=1, magic=0, identifier=543686473, reason=3, volume=0.01, price_open=1.12238, sl=1.13967, tp=1.09793, price_current=1.10665, swap=-0.01, profit=15.73, symbol='EURUSD', comment='', external_id='')
    ticket = 543686473
    time = 1584024008
    time_msc = 1584024008400
    time_update = 1584024008
    time_update_msc = 1584024008400
    type = 1
    magic = 0
    identifier = 543686473
    reason = 3
    volume = 0.01
    price_open = 1.12238
    sl = 1.13967
    tp = 1.09793
    price_current = 1.10665
    swap = -0.01
    profit = 15.73
    symbol = EURUSD
    comment = 
    external_id = 

history_deals_get always returns a normal Python tuple with a collection of named TradeDeal inside it. In order to make it work, we need to access some index:

Aha, thank you very much, I've already found this by analogy. Sens.

What if, in future releases, it will be possible not only to select named tuple with history_deals_get(and analogs), but also say list[_asdict()] will be just

fantastic. ;) Thanks.

Rashid Umarov:

Try it this way:


Thank you! It's working.

Oh, and thank you for responding to :) suggestions to improve the lib.

Rashid Umarov:

Update to 5.0.27

Backup the script



Rashid, is there some kind of Product Update Announcement somewhere on the MetaTrader5 website?

I would like to know when and what changes have been implemented.

It is a bit difficult to plan the refactoring.

Дмитрий Прокопьев:

Good afternoon.

Rashid, is there a Product Update Announcement somewhere on the website?

So that you can keep track of what changes have been made and when.

It is a little difficult to plan the refactoring.

I am watching Pypi. Developers are waiting for comments from us for continuation/improvement. But so far we don't see any user activity in this area.

I think, we need to discuss in a separate branch the general infrastructure issues for the complex trading systems (terminal (MT4/МТ5) <-> TS (on different IPs) <_> different databases. Different configurations, problems, difficulties, advantages.

Good luck