MetaTrader 5 Python User Group - how to use Python in Metatrader - page 46


Well you at least inform in a nutshell that metatrader5(5.0.21)has been published and the following has changed... And bring the documentation into conformity. There are not so many changes to make in a few days. Or do you have to check everything by feel?

Checked and it works:

>>> #--lib---------------------
>>> import MetaTrader5 as mt5
>>> import time
>>> #--init----------
>>> server1 = "MetaQuotes-Demo"; login1 = 18192632
>>> server2 = "AlpariEvrasia-MT5-Demo"; login2 = 50468487
>>> logn = login1; server = server1 
>>> if mt5.initialize(timeout = 2000, login = logn, server = server):
...     Acc = mt5.account_info()
>>> if Acc.server != server:
...         print("Connect server wrong")
...         quit()
>>> if Acc.login != logn:
...         print("Connect login wrong")
...         quit()
>>> info = mt5.terminal_info()
>>> if info.trade_allowed == False:
...         print("Auto-trading disabled in Terminal, enable it")
...         quit()
>>> print(info)
TerminalInfo(community_account=True, community_connection=True, connected=True, dlls_allowed=True, trade_allowed=True, tradeapi_disabled=False, email_enabled=False, ftp_enabled=False, notifications_enabled=False, mqid=False, build=2340, maxbars=100000, codepage=1251, ping_last=72203, community_balance=0.1, retransmission=0.8130081300813009, company='MetaQuotes Software Corp.', name='MetaTrader 5', language='Russian', path='C:\\Program Files\\MetaTrader 5', ...)
>>> if info.trade_allowed == False:
...         print("Auto-trading disabled in Terminal, enable it")
...         quit()
>>> #--------------------------
>>> symbol = "EURGBP"
>>> timefr = 4
>>> mt5.symbol_select(symbol)
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> #--price----------------
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> rates = pd.DataFrame(mt5.copy_rates_from_pos(symbol, timefr, 1, 1000))
>>> print(rates)
           time     open     high  ...  tick_volume  spread  real_volume
0    1582230720  0.83800  0.83802  ...           89       5            0
1    1582230960  0.83798  0.83802  ...           99       5            0
2    1582231200  0.83788  0.83795  ...           91       5            0
3    1582231440  0.83790  0.83791  ...           39       6            0
4    1582231680  0.83788  0.83793  ...           66       5            0
..          ...      ...      ...  ...          ...     ...          ...
995  1582642560  0.83624  0.83659  ...          267       1            0
996  1582642800  0.83650  0.83650  ...          293       3            0
997  1582643040  0.83617  0.83627  ...          290       5            0
998  1582643280  0.83623  0.83636  ...          226       6            0
999  1582643520  0.83624  0.83641  ...          109       5            0

[1000 rows x 8 columns]

Let's keep groping :)

Vladimir Perervenko:

Well you at least inform in two words that metatrader5(5.0.21)is published and the following has changed... And bring the documentation into conformity. There aren't too many changes to make in a few days. Or do you have to check everything by feel?

MetaTrader for Python online documentation is already available on the website for some of the updated features. Examples are shown for each

Документация по MQL5: Интеграция / MetaTrader для Python
Документация по MQL5: Интеграция / MetaTrader для Python
Python является современным высокоуровневым языком программирования для разработки сценариев и приложений. Содержит множество библиотек для машинного обучения, автоматизации процессов, анализа и визуализации данных. Пакет MetaTrader для Python предназначен для...

Of course I've seen it. Running it through the documentation

>>> #--lib---------------------
>>> import MetaTrader5 as mt5
>>> import time
>>> mt5.initialize()
>>> mt5.login(login = 18192632, server = "MetaQuotes-Demo")
RuntimeError: Invalid arguments

And this works and it's the correct initialisation.

>>> mt5.initialize(timeout = 2000, login = 18192632, server = "MetaQuotes-Demo")
>>> Acc = mt5.account_info()

Just correct the documentation.

Vladimir Perervenko:

Of course I've seen it. Running it according to the documentation.

login is a mandatory unnamed parameter, remove login=.

mt5.login(18192632, server = "MetaQuotes-Demo")
Vladimir Perervenko:

And this works and it's the correct initialisation.

Just correct the documentation.

We will complete the description, thank you for the message.

Vladimir Perervenko:

And this works and it's the correct initialisation.

Just correct the documentation.

If now try to reconnect

>>> res = mt5.login(server = "AlpariEvrasia-MT5-Demo", login = 50468487)
RuntimeError: Invalid arguments

All in all it's very raw so far...

Vladimir Perervenko:

If we now try to reconnect

All in all, it's all very crude so far...

Bring the line in line with the examples that Renat showed.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems & strategy testing

MetaTrader 5 Python User Group - How to use Python in MetaTrader

Renat Fatkhullin, 2020.02.18 22:05

import MetaTrader5 as mt5

mt5.initialize(login=25035662, password="oxeb7lpb", server="MetaQuotes-Demo")
mt5.login(25035662, timeout=10000)
mt5.login(25035662, "oxeb7lpb")
mt5.login(25035662, password="oxeb7lpb")
mt5.login(25035662, password="oxeb7lpb", server="MetaQuotes-Demo")
Guys, am I correct in assuming that information about open positions in the terminal cannot be obtained now?
Rashid Zeynalov:
Guys, do I understand correctly that you can't get information about open positions in the terminal now?


initialize(path=None)                              Establish connection with the MetaTrader 5 Terminal
wait()                                             Wait for the MetaTrader 5 Terminal to connect to a broker's server
shutdown()                                         Disconnect from the MetaTrader 5 Terminal

version()                                          Get the MetaTrader 5 Terminal version
terminal_info()                                    Get the parameters of the MetaTrader 5 terminal
account_info()                                     Returns information of current account

copy_ticks_from(symbol, from, count, flags)                Get ticks starting from the specific date
copy_ticks_range(symbol, from, to, flags)                  Get ticks from the specified period
copy_rates_from(symbol, timeframe, from, count)            Get bars starting from the specific date
copy_rates_from_pos(symbol, timeframe, start_pos, count)   Get bars starting from the specified position
copy_rates_range(symbol, timeframe, date_from, date_to)    Get bars from the specified period

positions_total()                                          Returns the number of open positions
positions_get([symbol=\"SYMBOL\"],[ticket=TICKET])         Returns all open positions, can be filtered by symbol or ticket

orders_total()                                             Returns the number of orders
orders_get([symbol=\"SYMBOL\"],[ticket=TICKET])            Returns all orders, can be filtered by symbol or ticket

history_orders_total(from, to)                             Returns the number of orders in selected range from the history
history_orders_get(from, to)                               Returns orders in selected range from the history or filtered by position id, ticket

history_deals_total(from, to)                              Returns the number of deals in selected range from the history
history_deals_get(from, to)                                Returns deals in selected range from the history or filtered by position id, ticket

order_check(request)                                                Checks if there are enough funds to execute the required trade operation
order_send(request)                                                 Sends trade requests to a server
order_calc_margin(action, symbol, volume, price)                    Calculates the margin required for the specified order
order_calc_profit(action, symbol, volume, price_open, price_close)  Calculates the profit for the current account, in the current market conditions, based on the parameters passed

symbol_info(symbol)                                        Returns full information for a specified symbol
symbol_info_tick(symbol)                                   Returns current prices of a specified symbol
symbol_select(symbol,[enable])                             Selects a symbol in the Market Watch window or removes a symbol from the window

The documentation hasn't been finalised yet.

Don't forget to update to the latest version of the library, which is currently 21:

pip install --upgrade metatrader5