Why is Python so fashionable in machine learning? - page 7


For Python it is better to use a notepad with plugins, for Windows Notepad++ is not bad. Or install PyCharm, it is customized for it, and it is lighter than VS, on Linux I use gedit and only if the project is complex, then PyCharm

Visual Studio Code. Lightweight editor with code prompts and debugging features. You need to install a plugin for Python.
Grigoriy Chaunin:

For Python it is better to use some notepad with plugins, for Windows like Notepad++ is not bad. or install PyCharm, it is customized for it, and it will be easier than VS, on Linux I use gedit and only if the project is complex, then PyCharm

Visual Studio Code. Easy-to-use editor with code prompts and debugging. Need to install the Python plugin.

I already have studio 2017. Although I have Code as well, but somehow it did not become a working tool.

And about studio being heavy, yes there is such a thing. I remember about 10 years ago, when I had a fairly large robot project for MT4 compiled in seconds in C# and minutes in C++. And then it got slower and slower. Now compilation for Sharp is really slow, pluses are even slower. Optimization? I DON'T KNOW. It takes a long time to launch and compile MT5 as well. In short, the general trend of today's progress is sluggishness))


By the way, I decided to install Python 3.6.5 from python.org. But no, see the picture.


Alexey Volchanskiy:

I already have Studio 2017. Although I also put Code, but somehow it did not become a working tool.

And about the heaviness of the studio, yes, there is such a thing. I remember about 10 years ago, when I had a fairly large robot project for MT4 compiled in seconds in C# and minutes in C++. And then it got slower and slower. Now compilation for Sharp is really slow, pluses are even slower. Optimization? I DON'T KNOW. It takes a long time to launch and compile MT5 as well. In short, the general trend of modern progress is sluggishness ))

I tried to use Anaconda from the Anaconda official site and after installation I was offered to install VS Code. That is officially recommended.


Alexey Volchanskiy:

But the Combinator berated him.

I didn't scold anything. confused with someone else?

about the development environment for python pycharm is as good as studio

Grigoriy Chaunin:
Visual Studio Code. A lightweight editor with code prompts and debugging capabilities. The Python plugin must be installed.

You can do it that way, but for me it's easier to use Notepad for small projects


I didn't scold anything. confused with someone else?

about the development environment for python pycharm is as good as studio

and even better in many ways.


I didn't scold anything. confused with someone else?

About the development environment for python pycharm is as good as studio

I'm very sorry, I really got confused, that's who wrote

Grigoriy Chaunin 2018.04.13 21:41 #49 EN

You need to look at what is Python installing it from the official site. Iron Python is not that. It's a knockoff of Microsoft. Nobody needs it. As far as I know it is not compatible with Python packages.


and even better in many ways.

What about Spyder? Looked it up, editor + console.

I was the one who scolded. )