1200 subscribers!!! - page 5

Evgeny Belyaev:
The priority in calculating the rating is given to the number of subscribers, this is a key indicator. It would be strange to put a hen laying golden eggs for MQ at the end of the list.
It is not, in the signals on MT5, who in the top almost all have 0 subscribers. And hence the question: from what on MT5 there are no subscribers?
Petros Shatakhtsyan:
This is not true, in the signals on MT5, who in the top almost all have 0 subscribers. I don't know why I am not subscribed to MT5.
In the first place on MT5 signals there is a seller with maximum number of subscribers.
Evgeny Belyaev:
The seller with the maximum number of subscribers is in the first place by MT5 signals.
This appeared just today -- before it was like what Petros described
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
this came up literally today -- and before that it was just as Petros described
I don't know how it was, but it's how I described it. Maybe it was, we'll take your word for it.
There'sa lot ofuncertaintyin astrangeland,
♪ You can get lost and confused ♪
♪ even goosebumps run down your spine ♪
If you imagine what could happen.

Evgeny Belyaev:
The seller with the maximum number of subscribers is in the first place for MT5 signals.

Top doesn't mean #1. You have to look at the top 10.

Isn't it strange that many signals have gains below 100%, with high drawdown (above 30%), with low performance, in the top.

And what makes you think that this number of subscribers affected the place in the ranking?
You were told (and I can confirm) that with the same number of subscribers and loss of trading history, the rating instantly falls, and not just a few.
what kind of signals are more reliable and of higher quality?

I had a 44% drawdown when the yield was 20% per month...
at a yield of 10%, the drawdown holds less than 10%
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Top doesn't mean #1. You have to look at the top 10.

Isn't it strange that many signals have gains below 100%, with high drawdown (above 30%), with low characteristics, in the top.

Take signals by 4 and sum up the number of subscribers on 1, 2...n- page.

Perhaps you will see a correlation.

Taras Gonchar:
and what makes you think that this number of subscribers affected the place in the ranking?
I told you (and I can confirm it) that with the same number of subscribers and loss of trading history, the rating instantly falls, and not just a few.
what kind of signals are more reliable and of higher quality?

I had a 44% drawdown when the yield was 20% per month...
at a yield of 10%, the drawdown holds less than 10%
Oh, what people! Here comes the conqueror of the ratings himself, respect!
Taras Gonchar:
This is an interesting situation. The main income comes from subscribers, not from trading?