1200 subscribers!!! - page 2

Well, the income from subscribers really $ 30k?
3.27× 313
5.21× 3673
5.74× 251219

Do I understand correctly that each position has a loss of 57.3 pips * 2 (open and close) = 114.6 pips(five digits)?

I.e. (for the profit) signal expectation in pips should be higher than 114.6 pips + commission from the Subscriber's broker. Summing up, the profit will be zero for such a subscriber if the ISP's mathematical expectation is ~ 150 pips - it is too much (and we should also earn). Do they drain? But then the feedback would be appropriate. With such a wild slippage the signal-services completely lose to PAMM-services where any subscriber will have a profit if the mathematical expectation is higher than zero.

In general, someone responsible for the Signals would explain what is there and what it is all about. It is surprising that with such a long existence, everything is still far from clear.

Vladimir Tkach:
Well, is the income from subscribers really $ 30k?


Rent amount minus service fee

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I don't know if my trading is going against the trend. They do not know whether they are in a trend or not. It's not like they know if they are going against the trend or not. And you buy against the trend at a discount.

Monopolistic market power begins at what percentage of market capture?
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

A strategy like Ilan's is when the size of the share (in lots) is based on the goal in pips.

His lot size is based on Martin (not aggressive martin, i.e. ratio less than 2).

That's why he doesn't have Ilan -- but a regular martin grid with limit-drawing and averaging.

All of this is not aggressive, and apparently he uses manual entry.

This allows him to hold at about 5-10% a month.

But the risk of going not in his direction is very high. It is visible, if you look at the drawdown chart in his signals, you can see that his grid is constantly falling down.

If you look at the reviews, you can see that people are always telling him "you always go against the trend" and that's why when his drawdown is already 5% and subscribers see the real purpose of his openings, they start to panic.

I think this is a very good example of how to make a READY TO READ signal. But, IMHO, the signal looks like a scam. I have not yet reached that perception of others

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Philosophy of algotrading

fxsaber, 2017.01.09 13:58

Let's remember the collapse of the ruble. In that situation almost all professional traders won. The profits were paid to them by the population. Almost every professional trader in that situation understood the outcome and made the decision to participate/not participate for themselves. Some got out of the pie, some did not. There's no good/bad here. It is only a statement. The value systems can be different.

Marat Khabiev:
The monopolistic market position starts at what percentage of market capture?

There are three services on the resource and three different approaches to rating and displaying the true state of affairs:

-- Freelance -- here the number of jobs done -- and within the application also writing articles and publishing codes in the codebase

In Freelance -- you get two-level rating -- the outer contour (general top) quantity and the inner contour (application) quality

-- Market -- not everything is clear here, because almost all statistics are hidden

-- Signals -- signal statistics are almost complete here -- only it's not clear why "subscriptions" aren't hidden in the manner of Market

It's obvious that subscriptions create a "crowd effect" -- just like sales would create a "crowd effect" in Market.

Why are sales not published in Market, but in Signals they are.

Moreover - if you have to look for quality indicators for Freelance and Market, and you have to twist to form a quality rating.

In Signals there are so many qualitative indicators that it is not clear why they should be taken into account in the rating and even show the "subscription" indicator.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

imho it is worth having a maximum degree of openness everywhere, and to buy or connect should each decide for himself
imho it's worth having the maximum degree of openness everywhere, and it's up to everyone to decide whether to buy or connect
Right, let the subscribers be visible, but they should not affect the location in the rankings.
Marat Khabiev:
Right, let the subscribers be visible, but they should not affect the location in the ranking.

What's the use of the rating?

The filter for the right indicators to help