Features of the mql5 language, subtleties and tricks - page 246

Nikolai Semko #:

if you move the mouse pointer over the name of a variable or function and press Ctrl, you move to the definition or declaration of this variable (function).
This is implemented in almost all IDEs, only when Ctrl is pressed, the variable is highlighted and underlined. It is not in ME.

Ihave not found this feature in the help.
The same thing can be achieved by pressing Alt+G, but it is still more convenient to use the mouse.


MQL Editor переход к определению по ctrl+click - Включите переход к определению функции или объявлению переменной по ctrl клик левой мыши, чтобы выделить слово целиком.
MQL Editor переход к определению по ctrl+click - Включите переход к определению функции или объявлению переменной по ctrl клик левой мыши, чтобы выделить слово целиком.
  • 2023.12.20
  • www.mql5.com
Если есть возможность - добавьте пожалуйста переход к определению функции или объявлению переменной по ctrl click как это реализовано в VS или Qt Creator. можно задействовать вместо ctrl какую-то другую кнопку
Ah, so it's a recent development.
Nikolai Semko #:

The same thing can be achieved by pressing Alt+G, but the mouse is still more convenient.

Interesting remark, as I don't use the mouse in ME.


It is not the first time I notice that at "numerous" requests of users something is done and then something is broken. It was always CTRL+click to highlight a word. For me it is easier than double click, because the load on the index finger and without double clicks is great enough. Sometimes it even hurts in the evening. Now it works like this, and then like they've made it new. You don't know when it's supposed to work.

fxsaber #:

Interesting point, as I don't use the mouse in ME.

Have you used Vim?
Nikolai Semko #:
Have you used vim?


in case you get lost :-)

Alexey Viktorov #:

It is not the first time I notice that at "numerous" requests of users something is done and then something is broken. It was always CTRL+click to highlight a word. For me it is easier than double click, because the load on the index finger and without double clicks is quite great. Sometimes it even hurts in the evening. Now it works like this, and then like they've made it new. You don't know when it's supposed to work.

I used to highlight words like that too. Now I have to learn, I'm flying back and forth in the code. But what can you do?

Maxim Kuznetsov #:


in case you get lost :-)

It's what most advanced proggers write in.
But the threshold of entry is high for it.
It is considered to be the fastest in writing programmes until now, although it is years old...
There is no mouse.

Alexey Viktorov #:

It is not the first time I notice that at the "numerous" requests of users to do something and immediately break something. It was always CTRL+click to highlight a word. For me it is easier than double click, because the load on the index finger and without double clicks is quite great. Sometimes it even hurts in the evening. Now it works like this, and then like they've made it new. You don't know when it's supposed to work.

double-click highlights a word, triple-click a logical expression. triple-click doesn't always work for everyone....

but you can practice it on this text.

Nikolai Semko #:
The mouse isn't there.

... no keyboard, no monitor... It's all mind-blowing 😁