Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 52


The fitness may grow simply because the model improved its topology and dropped a couple of neurons, with the same accuracy.
As far as I understood from the comments in the code - it's a port from Lua. And Lua is also a port, because the original was already in c++:
Port from port is unfortunate, a lot of unnecessary actions, it would be better if the author of RNeat took C++ code as a basis, and applied the existing R genetic packages to evolve the network.

And for some reason I thought it was all written in r-ke

I found this note on one website, but it's not working anymore for some reason

Maybe someone will be interested :

...The next step was a new model: we apply a low-pass filterto the closing price (I used a 2nd order Butterworth filter), apply a polynomial-harmonic approximation, transform A*cos(wx)+B*sin(wx) to M*sin(wx+f) and take M and f as secondary signs.

.... And with this model I was able to build a network which had very good generalizing properties: the new data almost all correctly recognized.

Yury Reshetov- Yury do you understand what the man wrote here in general?

Something in fashion lately cent accounts boast
Something is fashionable to brag about cent accounts lately
Was there a commercial somewhere again?



...The next step was a new model: we apply a low-pass filterto the closing price (I used a 2nd order Butterworth filter), apply a polynomial-harmonic approximation, transform A*cos(wx)+B*sin(wx) to form M*sin(wx+f) and take M and f as secondary features.

.... And with this model I was able to build a network which had very good generalizing properties: the new data almost all correctly recognized.

Yury Reshetov- Yury, do you understand what the man wrote here in general?

To be honest, not really. There are a lot of questions:

  1. For example, why pre-filter with separate filters if you can do it in the Fourier transform itself by simply ignoring unnecessary harmonics, giving them zero amplitudes or cut amplitudes of filtered harmonics to thresholds?
  2. What specific frequencies were filtered out? Also a big question, since the options for guessing are a wagonload and a small cart.
  3. Why was the LF component filtered, and not the MF and not the HF? After all, the noise by logic is most likely to be in the MF or HF.
  4. How was the problem of non-periodicity of price VR solved, i.e. how was the error on the edges of the period eliminated?

It looks like we have some kind of sci-fi text without specifics - unsubstantiated assertions.

And therefore, not knowing the answers to the above questions, we can only guess how to reproduce it in practice and will any adequate result be obtained?

Alexey Burnakov:
Was there a commercial somewhere again?
Yes, they were

The problem here is not bragging or cent accounts.

The problem is something else.

In my opinion, the panelists are hoping to find some kind of grail by slipping them unnecessary inputs.

And they completely forget that they have to use ready-made rules of a strategy or tactics, whichever is closer.

The machine does only what you put in it.

The crap on the input is the same crap on the output.

Excuse me.

Vadim Shishkin:

The problem here is not bragging or cent accounts.

The problem is something else.

In my opinion, the panelists are hoping to find some kind of grail by slipping them unnecessary inputs.

And they completely forget that they have to use ready-made rules of a strategy or tactics, whichever is closer.

The machine does only what you put in it.

The shit on the input is also the shit on the output.

Excuse me.

A protein neural network can be full of crap at the input and output, too.


Alexey Burnakov:

A protein neural network can also be full of goo, both input and output.

I'm sorry.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying.

What do you have to say on the subject?

Vadim Shishkin:

Exactly, that's what I'm talking about.

Do you have anything to say on the subject?

So the question is for you. )

What's the tactic? What's your head got in mind? So tell me.