Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1939


You're dumber than the wall you're sitting against, the crossing can't be at extrema in the trailer ...

take your peter and go optimize stochastics, that's all you can do

Good luck to you, daddy!

You have nothing at extremes

It's slowing down like crazy.

even with the naked eye you can see it

if you see it differently, it's self-deception


this one does not slow down, no neuronics, MQL4 code in 4 lines (jewelry is not taken into account)

But it will not help in trading anyway:

Тренд vs Флет
Тренд vs Флет
  • 2020.04.04
Четкое и ясное определение на практике тренда и флета несомненно даёт большое преимущество трейдерам...

This python is an interesting thing. I have to make a stirring. I'm writing it:

Gives out bullshit. I reset it before looping In and Out and it works. You could check every step.

for i in range(len(Out)):

And here in 1 line.




you have one and the same List object, so by assigning a different value to In or Out they automatically change into tmpIn and tmpOut, because both variables refer to the same object

it's the same as.

for i in range(len(Out)):

so it's a mishmash, so it doesn't need to be


then the variables will refer to different copies of the List object

All Python variables are object references


What's in "X"?

The data is the same as in the training or not?

Here's a strange question you ask, how do I know, I thought you knew! I do not know what are the keys of this function. And what is supposed to be there...


Show me your masks, or are you an idiot? Don't you answer for what you say?

did you just figure that out? ))


Anyway, my friends, patterns do exist, you just need to be able to see them, and algorithms can see them better than humans.)

I don't think it's random...

what algorithm do you use to find coincidences?

patterns in returns is an interesting topic



take your peter and go stochastic optimize, that's all you can do


You're being rude. I didn't say anything about wizards, stochastics and strategies. If you do not understand, then you are also not smarter than the wall. Surprised only motivation, work and patience aimed at achieving incomprehensible results. Once, belief in gods and otherworldly worlds forced people to build pyramids, i.e. by analogy, to do grandiose things with insignificant meaning. If you're looking for a return on your labor, it's on the sale of a patent, but you keep "worshipping" forex. That's why I was surprised at your stubbornness. And you think you're smart?
Tag Konow:
You're being rude. I didn't say anything about wizards, stochastics and strategies. If you do not understand, then you are also not smarter than the wall. Surprised only motivation, hard work and patience aimed at achieving incomprehensible results. Once, belief in gods and otherworldly worlds forced people to build pyramids, i.e. by analogy, to do grandiose things with insignificant meaning. If you're looking for a return on your labor, it's on the sale of a patent, but you keep "worshipping" forex. That's why I was surprised at your stubbornness. And you think you're smart?

R or python in this branch is necessary to know, the attitude and understanding will immediately improve))))

Reg Konow:
I think I finally understood the "secret" meaning of MO - these are methods of mathematical processing of polymorphic shell invariant in the process of its extraction/forming. By the way, that's why the data is analyzed/overlaid with integer matrices - only the form has so many parameters, while the essence is characterized by their minimal set. Hence, the NS layers are the hierarchical structure of the object, which is scaled through the layers. From the philosophical point of view everything is clear.
Listen to you, you are such an expert that your dithyrambs do not fit in my mind. Do you understand what you said?
Mihail Marchukajtes:
Listen to you, you are such an expert that your dithyrambs do not fit in my mind. Do you realize what you said?

My wife graduated in applied mathematics. I read it to her, then she spent five minutes talking about something approximate, disconnected from reality)))) These are sophisms))))


Maxim Dmitrievsky:

All Python variables are object references

Thanks, there was such a version.

But I had enough surprises even without it. In and Out numpy arrays. In is two-dimensional, Out is one-dimensional. When copying Out and tmpOut were the same, but In and tmpIn were different. I wanted to copy in one line via np.random.shuffle, but for some reason the last column in In was different. I also needed to shuffle them in sync.