Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1405

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The knowledge here was only from the creator of the branch, Sanych, Perervenko, a little trickster and a little bit of me. That's all. The rest shalam balam.

I'm not talking about MO now, there you are making efforts in knowledge of the subject - no doubt.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The conversation began today about consciousness and the roller, no one talked about psychology at all. Neither the domestic, nor the clinical, nor any.

If you want to talk about it, be my guest, but I'm not interested.

So consciousness is studied by psychology. So it's not clear how to talk about it, denying scientific knowledge about it.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

This is how consciousness is studied by psychology. That's why it's not clear how to talk about it, denying scientific knowledge about it.

The consciousness of your fish is studied by psychology, but not consciousness as such, which does not exist

And these American morons, who have lured half of the Russian scientific establishment, will continue to talk about consciousness until they get into the research of Russian scientists. And when they do, everyone will run and scream not for psychology but for physiology, just because someone like Freud will write a book and tell the masses all the truths they have long known. But when the masses begin to understand something, the privileged will know more from above and will take advantage of it.

But the people anyway what tales to swallow about superconsciousness, eternal life and other miracles unimaginable.

Even when you read about the Ministry of Defense in English there are Russians and Hindus everywhere.

And these creatures psychologists should not be allowed even close to normal people, and especially to the ruling ranks, be it Rasputin, and all other heroes of our time. Because a normal person thinks how to survive, but a psychologist thinks how to take advantage of the weaknesses of others.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I've already written that I don't support all this nonsense about compensation and stuff, it's primitive

especially about super ego and other brainwashing by crazy psychologists.

That's why "psychologists" find it difficult to communicate with me in real life, their methods and arguments have no effect on me. So do religious figures and other collective farm stuff. Moreover, such people seem underdeveloped mentally, or on the way of development still.

You're wrong, Maxim. Psychology on the market is very important, in fact it determines the price, the markets are driven by greed and fear, and this is psychology, an individual "I" on the market means little, but the collective "I" determines everything.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

What kind of sexism is this? Do you avoid discussing psychology for fear of losing your masculinity?

There is a different reason for this, precisely from the psychological point of view, there is a compensatory reaction to a lack, a simulation of excess. So latent gays often simulate demonstrative masculinity and homophobia, a kind of Napoleon complex.

Vasily Perepelkin:

You're wrong, Maxim. Psychology in the market is very important, in fact it determines the price, the markets are driven by greed and fear, and this is psychology, the individual "I" in the market means little, but the collective "I" determines everything.

You obviously have a soft spot for me, stable boy.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

the consciousness of your fish is studied by psychology, but not consciousness as such, which does not exist.

And these American morons, who have lured half of the Russian scientific establishment, will continue to bullshit about consciousness until they get into the research of Russian scientists. And when they do, everyone will run and scream not for psychology but for physiology, just because someone like Freud will write a book and tell the masses all the truths they have long known. But when the masses begin to understand something, the privileged will know more from above and will take advantage of it.

But the people anyway what tales to swallow about superconsciousness, eternal life and other unimaginable miracles.

Even if you read about ME in English there are Russians and Hindus everywhere.

And these creatures psychologists should not be allowed even close to normal people, and especially to the ruling ranks, be it Rasputin, and any other heroes of our time. Because a normal person thinks how to survive, and a psychologist thinks how to take advantage of the weakness of another.

If you paid some attention to this science, you would know that neural connections are formed under the influence of external factors, this is what psychology studies, and physiology (in the broad sense) can only study the mechanism of formation (regeneration and mechanical (chemical) connections), but not the cause and effect.

Accordingly, psychology studies the reaction of the brain (as a self-modifying mechanism) to the outside world.

Everything else in psychology is tools both for describing processes influencing the formation of neuronal connections and for influencing the creation of new connections, which are usually acceptable to society, and thus to the individual.

You have to look deeper.

Vasily Perepelkin:

The reason for this is somewhat different, precisely from the psychological point of view, there is a compensatory reaction to a lack, a simulation of excess. So latent gays often simulate demonstrative masculinity and homophobia, a kind of Napoleon complex.

Here's a prime example of psychological moronism) to prove my point

And such idiot analysts are a dime a dozen, thanks to pseudoscience

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

stablemate, you obviously have a thing for me.

I care about all my students

Vasily Perepelkin:

I'm not indifferent to all my students.

By the way, gay people have also been bred by psychology aficionados, suggesting that it's normal and everyone is capable of being gay

Now it is even fashionable, so do not be surprised if someone in the transport will look at your thick beard