Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1389

The Grail:


You're really scared. Once again, mind your own business. They can rip your head off.

Don't worry, it's not your case.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

You're really scared. Once again, mind your own business. They can rip your head off.

Don't worry, it's not your case.

Don't be ridiculous... Show me the results.


Cut the crap... Show me the results.

Cut the hysteria.

For the moderators, it's not a statement, it's a question - are you stupid by any chance? No one here owes you anything.

Zy Specifically on the topic of MO have nothing to say? - Shut your mouth, delete your off-topic posts, and get out of here with your flooding. Don't bother others.


It saddens me, too, that Grandpa Asaulenko categorically refuses to show his results. This bliss and fits of mania of persecution piss me off and discredit the very essence of communication on the forum.

However, my friend, to be fair, show us your results, even if they are negative. Let's rejoice or weep together... А?


And once again, offtopic about the sore point.

The only person on this forum who knows what he is saying and confirms his words with stats is CheGevara. He says - I know how to do +10% per month and demonstrates that in contrast to the old men like Asaulenko, Taraban and others like them, including young Oleksiy.

This is not advertising because I do not know him personally and I do not use his TS. I just wish everyone would stick to a communication style like Comrade Che.

Therefore I am concluding. Amen.


Model evaluationreview

Some R Packages for ROC Curves
Some R Packages for ROC Curves
  • R Views
In a recent post, I presented some of the theory underlying ROC curves, and outlined the history leading up to their present popularity for characterizing the performance of machine learning models. In this post, I describe how to search CRAN for packages to plot ROC curves, and highlight six useful packages. Although I began with a few ideas...

And once again, offtopic about the sore point.

The only person on this forum who knows what he is saying and confirms his words with stats is CheGevara. He says - I know how to do +10% per month and demonstrates that in contrast to the old men like Asaulenko, Taraban and others like them, including young Oleksiy.

This is not advertising because I do not know him personally and I do not use his TS. I just wish everyone would stick to a communication style like Comrade Che.

Therefore I will close. Amen.

You brothers are very good at passing your verdicts on all your casual and not casual fellow Forex traders...
I suspect that A_K is not a physicist, but a mediocre accountant. Otherwise, where did he get such a paranoid passion for counting other people's money.
It's a professional thing he has.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
I suspect that A_K is not a physicist, but a mediocre accountant. Otherwise why such paranoid passion to count other people's money.

This is quite possible. In accounting jargon, all people are physicists

Yuriy Asaulenko:
I suspect that A_K is not a physicist, but a mediocre accountant. Otherwise, where is such a paranoid passion, to count other people's money.
It's a professional thing.

I have a common desire to see a positive state from people who operate with the concepts of mathematics and physics, rather than from traders on the ball, gouging with cutlets, etc.

The question is why? Man, it's all about time - it's priceless! If I had seen such a physical and mathematical state, I would have known that it is possible, that there is something to work on and strive for. But as it is... Spending years of my life on an unsuccessful quest?!

Don't you understand?