Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2403

Mikhail Mishanin:

An example of what?

of course the code itself))

Evgeni Gavrilovi:

of course the code itself))

and why would I or anyone else who possesses such code need it? it makes no sense even to show the results of such code, it is enough to use them.

Although it is not enough to possess it, it is necessary to be its creator/creator proceeding and developing the concept of Lifelong Machine Learning.



If he were now, he'd be ruling this thread. :)) Heaven rest his soul!

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
as of '14 he was probably the strongest. At least on this forum :)

They'll say that about you and me and everyone else too... Um...

I wish we could leave something better for the next generation :))

And they will be reading our posts, picking up on our thoughts.

Alexander Ivanov:

If he were now, he would rule this branch. :)) God rest his soul!

And you say:

"They'll be reading our posts, picking up on our thoughts. "


Renat Akhtyamov:

And you say:

"But they will read our posts, pick up on our thoughts. "


"We can all go to the other side of the world today... it just happens. No one is immune.

Then our posts will be read by others, because the deceased Reshetov's personal account is still open.

So he must have left something behind.

He's looking down from Heaven at us and probably smiling :))

Alexander Ivanov:

They will say that about you and me and everyone else too... Um...

I wish we could leave something better for the next generation :))

And they'll read our posts, pick up our thoughts.

I do not care about these moments at all, I do not pretend to popular recognition
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I don't care about these things at all

for now... it's everyone's.

and your kungfu school will collapse...

Alexander Ivanov:

so far... it's everyone's.

Not yet, but for a long time already.
Alexander Ivanov:

If he were now, he would rule this branch. :))


The crowd is a community living by tradition and reasoning by authority.