Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1984


Maybe it has something to do with switching off the backlight of the laptop screen or something like that...

I once wrote a script for the market on the R-ka and it ran from the "scheduler/scenario planner" or whatever, the script worked for a 5-minute interval (started once every 5 minutes), but there were times when it did not work... Long my friend and I found out what's wrong... Turns out, you won't believe it, it turned out that the script stopped working when the laptop was running on battery power...

What? How? I don't know, but the fact is...

Yes, it stops working when the system is idle for a long time ... you must either increase the priority or somehow wake it up periodically

All the lights are on.

or just deal with it normally

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yes, it stops working when the system is idle for a long time. You either need to increase the priority or somehow wake it up periodically

All the lights are on.

Or just deal with it in a normal way.

The script, like the script works, ok, not working, restart. And there's a problem I couldn't solve, if restarting breaks the results, and needs to continue working. Like a script that suddenly stops working and you need to make it continue from the point where it stopped... I couldn't. All in all, we don't switch anything off and don't save electricity.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yes, it stops working when the system is idle for a long time. You either need to increase the priority or somehow wake it up periodically

All the lights are on.

Or else deal with it in a normal way

So I understand that the hiburnet is off. Then the problem is in the bundle.
And how does the presence of internet affect python+mql? You have everything deployed on the host, python should not care at all
Farkhat Guzairov:
I understand that Hibernet is turned off. Then the problem is in the connection.

Well, sort of, yes, but nowhere is it written that the dream or the monitor is connected to the internet, according to the priority is not all off and the internet should not shut down, but in fact pings are interrupted, and if the script is not self-renewable we have what we have) And sad that the script can only re-start.

Farkhat Guzairov:
How does the presence of internet affect python+mql? You have everything deployed on a host, python should not care about it at all.

The python must not care at all. Everything is on a local laptop, hibernate and all sorts of disconnects of wifi and disks are disabled at idle time

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yes, it has no effect at all. Everything on the local laptop, hibernate and all sorts of disconnects wifi and disks at idle turned off

The problem is python itself, I assume because of the economy of resources it simply unloads modules which are not used
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yes, it has no effect at all. All on the local laptop, hibernate and all sorts of disconnects wifi and disks at idle turned off

A turn off the Internet) bad idea. but maybe. on a long job is better not to be distracted.

You should also make a neural network saver, because when you restart it loses previous stats, the 1st transaction may be crooked
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Do you know how to make libraries in python?

I still can't run your script... I got rid of all the errors, but it doesn't see the methods -

randomized_lqv_subnet_builder() and randomized_d_subnet_builder

I need to merge all classes into one bible, then I would run it through R, but if one script takes a class from another script, and that one from the third one... I don't know how to run this