Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1683

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

In general, I agree with the definition), a logical and capacious definition, but few people know it and it is not taught in school and university in that context, so it is difficult to call it a generally accepted definition. And for many disciplines, it is even controversial. For MoD and AI it is the best.

1) so you say that there is no generally accepted concept at all (that searched but did not find)

2) And what is controversial?


1) so you yourself say that there is no generally accepted concept at all (that we searched but did not find)

2) what's controversial about it?

We don't have an argument. There is the idea that a clearer and more detailed statement of one's thoughts is more effective. Especially in the absence of generally accepted clear understandings)

There is a clear definition of intelligence (whether it is artificial or not)

Look for the lectures "COB" by General K. Petrov, a lecture about intelligence, there is a definition.


Here it is

The intellect is a self-modifying, self-adaptingalgorithm for the selection and transformation of information, the result of which is the emergence of information modules previously unknown to the subject and not received in finished form from the outside

This is a variation on the standard behaviorist approach. It is quite a usual approach for beginners in inventing "bicycles" in this field. The approach is good in its simplicity and is quite suitable for description of behavior observed from the outside. It is bad in that it does not explain at all the phenomenon of self-consciousness, obviously observed by all people inside themselves.

Roughly speaking, a comrade who considers others as a set of information modules is unlikely to realize himself as such.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

This is a variation on the standard behaviorist approach. It is quite usual approach for novice inventors of "bicycles" in this field. The approach is good in its simplicity and quite suitable for description of behavior observed from the outside. It is bad in that it does not explain at all the phenomenon of self-consciousness, obviously observed by all people inside themselves.

Roughly speaking, a comrade who considers others as a set of information modules is unlikely to realize himself as such.

Is self-consciousness an intellect?

thequestion was asked what is intelligence, the answer was what is intelligence

Why are you bringing self-awareness into this?

Intellect, self-awareness, intuition, reflexes, instincts... etc... these are all parts of the same whole, but they cannot be compared.

Let's also say that AI is impossible because it does not eat and does not go to the toilet))

Before you write something, maybe you should think about it.


Is self-awareness an intellect?

It is an integral part of the human intellect (intellectus is Latin for understanding, reasoning, etc.). Other kinds of intelligence are not yet reliably known (except as hypotheses or beliefs).


Let's also say that AI is impossible.

Let's also say that planet Earth has no intelligence)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It is an integral part of the human intellect (intellectus in Latin translates as understanding, reasoning, etc.). Other types of intellect are not yet reliably known (except as hypotheses or beliefs).

intellect is a self-modifying, self-adjustingalgorithm of choice, transformation of information, as a result of which arises information modules, previously unknown to the subject and not received in ready-made form from outside

A man does not know that he exists before he was born, right?

When he is born, the thinking activity is born, right? TAK!

he begins to think ----self-modifying, self-adjustingalgorithm of choice, transformation of information

as a result of his thoughts ---- as a result ofwhose action the information modules appear which were not previously known to the subject and which did not come to him in a ready-made form from the outside

he/she understands that he/she exists, i.e. self-consciousness appears, right?

So self-consciousness is the result of the work of the intellect and not part of the intellect right? TAK!


Intellect is a self-modifying, self-adjustingalgorithm of choice, transformation of information, as a result of which there are information modules, previously unknown to the subject and not coming to it from the outside in a ready-made form.

A man does not know that he exists before he was born, right?

When he is born, the thinking activity is born, right? TAK!


No, not like that.

Thinking activity occurs when there is already something to think about

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Let's also say that planet Earth does not possess an intelligence)

Come on)

Man's mind is in his brain.

Where does a planet have a mind?

How can we feel it?

How does it manifest itself?

And why a planet?

Why not the cosmos?

why not a rock?

You have a mess in the head dear


When he is born, thought activity is born, right? OK!

This is an incorrect assumption, as evidenced by the cases of real Mowgli children. All other claims are just as "provable".