Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1434

Ivan Butko:

there is a long line of weights - one neuron. To translate it from the program into the proper form in the Expert Advisor, you need to change the syntax and add a semicolon after each line. And there are 10*100 = 1000. It's boring, but what the article says, that's what I've been doing.)

Yes, I am aware that it will not work.) Read about retraining.

>>here's the whole topic about it, you can read it from the beginning

1432 pages... D))

Here somewhere among these pages were posted examples of neural network or alglib forest, where you do not need to translate anything :) if you find among the posts of the flooders

or in my article an example, where the same pictures are drawn in 2 clicks
Igor Makanu:

this raj is just a teacher, he does all kinds of tricks

I have doubts if it's our Hindu who disappeared without a trace with my grail
Ivan Butko:

there is a long line of weights - one neuron. To translate it from the program to the proper form in the Expert Advisor, you need to change the syntax and add a semicolon after each line. And there are 10*100 = 1000.

In the NeyroPro report?

You can automatically edit the text file using the program uvFilesCorrector. For example, replace all found ")" to ");"

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I have doubts whether it is our Hindu who disappeared without a trace with my grail

That's right. There was a Hindu, and now he's gone. Apparently, he had suffered the same fate as Alexei.


Turn off both the forum and the correspondence. Pay attention to the meaning of the word "pattern"...

Alas, my deep understanding of magical symbolic expressions is at a low level... So if you want to say something clever, you'd better do it if possible.


All right, I agree with everything, in general, but from such words to business to move is not so easy. Yes, the market is moved by PEOPLE and they move it not just by chance, but by risking their money, i.e. risking their comfort, safety, health and family members' health, each participant certainly risks his/her own way, but nevertheless individual trading decisions cannot be called casual, if you know the layout in each case. But you should understand that most of the liquidity, especially on the foreign exchange market is NOT SPECULATIVE, it is a stupid currency exchange, hedging, etc.. And the main thing is that the performing traders who need to buy/sell "a lot" (% of the daily turnover), they now play all sorts of manipulative games, different every time to confuse the "bait fish", everything goes into the arsenal here, deceptive movements, imbalances in the market and so on.

All we have to rely on is statistics...

That's the thing, we need to work on empirical rather than statistical methods of identifying a pattern. If we assume that there is a plan - the price in x should pass by y points, then we have to plan variants of this way and choose the one that is the least risky. And here is how the price will go, we can speculate on the basis of the movement that has begun, which will consist of several stages that will be statistically similar. The idea is to use a wider range of data - to increase the window of analyzed information and somehow model different variants of price movements with the help of the ILO. How to do it - I don't know yet.


In the NeyroPro report?

You can automatically edit the text file using the program uvFilesCorrector. For example, replace all found ")" with ");"

Why are you torturing the software from the last century, on the cyber forum offered a version five times faster. The author of NeyroPro confessed that he had given up his positions for a couple of decades and now he is writing better code.

Новичек в нейронных сетях - Искусственный интеллект - Ответ 13482679 - Киберфорум
Зачем вы здесь эту бидиберду написали? К тому же с ошибками? При чем тут константы вообще? Если показывать как продифференцировать нейросеть то распишите нормально все компоненты и не смешивайте с коэффициентом градиентного спуска, это не относится к дифференцированию... эээх... Виктор Генадиевич, Виктор Генадиевич... Так а в чем конкретно я не...
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The point is that we need to work on empirical rather than statistical methods of identifying a pattern. If we assume that there is a plan - the price for x should pass by y points, then we must as if lay out the variants of this path and choose the one that is the least risky. And here is how the price will go, we can speculate on the basis of the movement that has begun, which will consist of several stages that will be statistically similar. The idea is to use a wider range of data - to increase the window of analyzed information and somehow model different variants of price movements with the help of the ILO. How to implement it - I do not know yet.

I used to rely on my intuition obtained by meditating on charts for years, but one day I realized that I was cheating myself. There are a million logical explanations how and why the price went this way and that way in the past, but without statistics it's all empty. Bulls, bears, levels, stops... I'm not even talking about stuff like fibos and 5th waves))) If we're talking about trading and not near-market income, then only statistics in one form or another, like MO.


I used to rely on my intuition, obtained by meditating on charts for years, but one day I realized that I was leading myself by the nose. There are a million logical explanations as to how and why the price went this way and that way in the past, but without statistics it's all empty. Bulls, bears, levels, stops... I'm not even talking about stuff like fibos and 5th waves))) If we are talking about trading and not near-market income, then only statistics, in one form or another, such as MO.

That's what I'm talking about MO, but the target should be a set of variants of price movement.