Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1404

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

What kind of sexism is this? Do you avoid discussing psychology for fear of losing your masculinity?

I discuss with pleasure with pretty girls of graceful build, I never had a chance to discuss such romantic topics with normal men

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I discuss with pleasure with pretty girls of graceful build, but I never had a chance to talk on such romantic topics with normal men.

But I have not come across women who know psychology, except for professionals, but among them there are men equally. Many fantasize that they know something about modern psychology, even on the basis of gender this knowledge should be interesting - it's sad.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

But I have not come across women who understand psychology, with the exception of professionals, but among them there are men equally. Many fantasize that they know something about modern psychology, even on the basis of gender this knowledge should be interesting - sad.

Oh come on sad... if not sad enough I can n... send, to enlighten feelings and consciousness. Purely as a preventive measure, out of concern for your sanity.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

If you're not sad enough, I can send you a message to enlighten your senses. send, for the enlightenment of feelings and consciousness.

Maxim, why so much aggression, is it again an attempt to seem "man" for the audience, as well as a denial of psychology?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

deaf and dumb people communicate somehow. As a language of communication with the outside world, you can think of anything. Other people are just other objects, you can replace them with animals or aliens. Of course, the "psyche" will change, but nothing will drastically change in consciousness.

alas, practice shows quite the opposite, I do not want to google, but for children there is a boundary age (up to 3 years old?) after which they are unable to learn human speech - is this not a cardinal change?

What I'm getting at here is that 99.9% of people's actions are repeated in the same situations, so think about how "I" differs from the other "I's" around

SZZY: here as though you have now an age opinion that the individuality is inherent in everyone, and simply it is necessary to allocate this individual "I" from world around, alas, all at this age have such experienced, I usually (not aloud) call it behavior of matured males )))

There is a fine line between psychology and psychologizing, just as there is between philosophy and sophophilia.
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Maxim, why so much aggression, is this again an attempt to appear "male" to the audience, as well as a denial of psychology?

Yes, it's an attempt to make you feel like a man. Don't you understand that I don't care at all who I seem to be to whom? It seems to me that you are shallow in your reasoning, for example... it would be hypocrisy to flatter you and say the opposite, right? Moreover, we are not connected in any deep way.

Igor Makanu:

Alas, practice shows quite the opposite, I do not want to google, but for children there is a boundary age (up to 3 years old?) after which they are unable to learn human speech - is this not a fundamental change?

What I'm getting at here is that 99.9% of people's actions are repeated in the same situations, so think about how "I" differs from the other "I's" around

SZS: here as though you have now an age opinion that individuality is inherent in everyone, and simply it is necessary to allocate this individual "I" from world around, alas, all at this age have such experienced, I usually (not aloud) call it behavior of matured males )))

well kind of yes, the period of "rutting" is not over yet, and is in its prime )))) but also not at that stage that it would be unconscious

I understand about 3 years, just wrote above Alexey, that in childhood neural connections are actively formed, what exactly the period is, I do not know, and it varies, probably. But what does this have to do with me? I mean, it's not me, it's the "I. It must be present in both cases. I think animals have one, too. At least in all mammals, for sure.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yes, it's an attempt to make you feel. Don't you understand that I don't give a damn who I seem to be? I think you are shallow in your reasoning, for example... it would be hypocritical to flatter you and tell you otherwise, right? Especially since we don't have any deep relationship.

If you weren't interested in the opinion of society, you wouldn't be on this resource.

Everyone has different needs - I'm trying to get useful information and share experiences, and not in any way I do not think my opinion is true and unchanged, and certainly do not see the point in insulting people with whose point of view I do not agree, because of the knowledge available.

But, you have a different situation here now - you have no knowledge of the subject, yet you discuss it and deny that it is what it is - a paradoxical situation. Modern psychology brings together different schools of psychology and tries to present the essence of the mind as an ecosystem of interaction with the outside world.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I just don't... I didn't even finish the piece. Not interested.

Well, the main thing is not to deceive yourself and be friends with your "I".