Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1403

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It is believed that the ancient Greeks had no concept of personality - man was a body controlled by the gods.

I can imagine what kind of nonsense was going on in their heads at that time, I would have loved to have been there.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Accordingly, this is a made-up, meaningless term :)

Consciousness is the realization of oneself as a separate differentiated object, the first realization of such differentiation occurs when an infant begins to separate its body from that of its mother (other caregiver), this process is quite lengthy. Besides, awareness of one's own self occurs due to the influence of upbringing and formation of the Super Ego (Super Self - position on the proper behavior and worldview of the individual/system bringing up the child). Simply the influence of external stimuli on the nervous system does not in itself form the awareness of one's Self.

A person's desire and need for society is a compensation for the emergence of awareness of oneself as a separate being, filled with fears and anxieties.

Often children who were not properly cared for in the early years of development and who had a sharp and unpleasant destruction of the feeling of symbiosis with the caregiver, become withdrawn and asocial, and yes, there are many outstanding people among them - compensation occurs due to the recognition of their value by society, but most have no talents and society rejects them with redoubled force.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The self is not related to society, it seems to me. It's just an internal differentiation into me and not me.

well how to explain...I always like simple examples, try to formulate in your mind the thought.... how did you formulate it? with words? try to do the same without using words - you won't succeed

this is the whole division into I and not I - you cannot even formulate thoughts without society, there is an illusion that you can think in images, but this is an illusion, anyway, even when thinking about this "image" you will use phrases and words, and therefore you will use speech elements which are constantly on your ears

Igor Makanu:

well how to explain...I always like simple examples, try to formulate a thought in your mind.... how did you formulate it? with words? try to do the same without using words - you won't succeed

this is the whole division into I and not I - you cannot even formulate thoughts without society, there is an illusion that you can think in images, but this is an illusion, anyway, even when thinking about this "image" you will use phrases and words, which means you will use speech elements that are constantly on your ears

Deaf-mute people communicate somehow. As a language of communication with the outside world, you can think of anything. Other people are just other objects, you can replace them with animals or aliens. Of course, the "psyche" will change, but consciousness will not change anything cardinally.

Consciousness will only start to turn off when all the senses are turned off consecutively, then it is already a vegetable
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Consciousness is the realization of the self as a separate differentiated object; the first realization of this differentiation occurs when an infant begins to separate its body from that of its mother (other caregiver); this process is quite lengthy. Besides, awareness of one's own self occurs due to the influence of upbringing and formation of the Super Ego (Super Self - position on the proper behavior and worldview of the individual/system bringing up the child). Simply the influence of external stimuli on the nervous system does not in itself form the awareness of one's Self.

A person's desire and need for society is a compensation for the emergence of awareness of oneself as a separate being, filled with fears and anxieties.

Often children who were not properly cared for in the early years of development, who had a sharp and unpleasant destruction of the sense of symbiosis with the caregiver, become withdrawn and asocial, and yes, among them are not a few outstanding people - compensation occurs by the recognition of their value by society, but most have no talents and society rejects them with redoubled force.

I've written before that I don't support all this crap about compensation and stuff, it's primitive.

especially about super ego and other brainwashing by crazy psychologists

That is why it is difficult for "psychologists" to communicate with me in real life, their methods and arguments have no effect on me. Neither do religious figures and other collective farm stuff. Moreover, such people seem to be mentally underdeveloped, or on the way of development still.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

deaf and dumb people communicate somehow. As a language of communication with the outside world, you can think of anything. Other people are just other objects, you can replace them with animals or aliens. Of course, the "psyche" will change as a result, but nothing will drastically change in consciousness.

Consciousness will begin to turn off only at consecutive switching off of all sense organs, then it is already a vegetable

Still, mowgli children are very different from ordinary children. Although, probably, heredity and the fact that mentally unhealthy children were abandoned also play a role.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Still, mowgli children are very different from ordinary children. Although, perhaps, heredity and the fact that already mentally unhealthy children were abandoned also play a role there.

You know, like animals communicate with animals. But the brain is big, the abilities do not change from this. The problem appears because the active phase of the formation of new neural connections in children is phenomenal, and many things are laid down in childhood. There are apparently things that you cannot get back.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I've already written that I don't support all this nonsense about compensation and stuff, it's primitive

and all the more about super egos and other brainwashing by crazy psychologists

so "psychologists" find it difficult to communicate with me in real life, their methods and arguments have no effect on me. As well as religious figures and other collective farm stuff. Moreover, such people seem underdeveloped mentally, or on the way of development still.

Yes, a difficult client should be paid double :)

Funny, touched on a topic that psychology studies - intelligence, self-awareness, linguistics, abstract thinking - and denies the knowledge accumulated over the last century in this field.

And I thought you were interested in science.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Yes, a difficult client should be paid twice as much :)

Funny, touching on a topic that psychology studies--intelligence, self-awareness, linguistics, abstract thinking--and denying the knowledge accumulated over the last century in this area.

And I thought you were interested in science.

Psychology is not for me, you can discuss it with some ladies, they love it (and many will probably reject it).

Like Freud with his hormonally intoxicated clients
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Psychology is not for me, you can discuss it with some ladies, they love it (and many of them will probably send you away)

What kind of sexism is this? Do you avoid discussing psychology for fear of losing your masculinity?