Libraries: Expert History Exporter


Expert History Exporter:

Adds the ability to automatically export the transaction history after running the Expert in the strategy Tester.

Author: Yuriy Bykov


use FILE_ANSI to correctly display .csv files within Excel 2013 and above.

   m_file = FileOpen(exportFileName, commonFlag | FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV | FILE_ANSI, ',');

Thank you, amrali

I will pay attention to it in the next version. For correct display in Excel, we will also need to add the ability to select the separator character and decimal point sign.


I added the use of FILE_ANSI , but the problem with opening correctly in Excel without the import wizard may still be the use of incorrect data separator characters and integer and fractional parts in real numbers. Added two parameters to the constructor so that you can set the desired separators:

CExpertHistory(string p_expertName = "SomeExpert", string p_expertVersion = "", string p_sep = "," , string p_decimalPoint = "." );