Libraries: Multiple dynamic logistic regression first unsuccessful attempt


Multiple dynamic logistic regression first unsuccessful attempt:

from the logistic regression Article, I welcome all the thoughts on how we can build multiple dynamic Logistic Regression

Author: Omega J Msigwa

The link to reference article gives 404 error.

Dominik Christian Egert #:
The link to reference article gives 404 error.

the article is on review process now it will be available in few days from now, the link will be available to open

Ok. Thank you
Dominik Christian Egert #:
Ok. Thank you

The article is now published the link should work without errors

Thank you
See the Successful attempt on this Article
Data Science and Machine Learning part 03: Matrix Regressions
Data Science and Machine Learning part 03: Matrix Regressions
This time our models are being made by matrices, which allows flexibility while it allows us to make powerful models that can handle not only five independent variables but also many variables as long as we stay within the calculations limits of a computer, this article is going to be an interesting read, that's for sure.