how to open multiple MT5 instances on Mac - page 3

Daniel Stein #:

Really? I tried your suggestion and received an error message immediately after the first terminal started.

And a quick google search didn't offer any option to upgrade to Wine 8.0

So in terms of simplicity and usable for normal end-users, this is clearly NO option.

Just open terminal. Applications > Utilities > Terminal

Then type: "brew install ––cask ––no-quarantine wine-stable" without the quotes.

WINE was never meant to be simple and usable for end-users, it's always been a geeky piece of software. If you want easy, pay for CodeWeavers.

James McKnight #:

No, thanks. I am satisfied with Parallels, as it delivers the comfort I seek in a professional and stable solution for my trading environment.

From a graphical standpoint, it delivers the high-quality experience one would expect in 2024, as opposed to the less appealing WINE-based terminals.


I would like to clarify that there is a comparison being made between apples and oranges here

It's much easier and works better than crossover/parallels/etc

and some of the assertions, like this one above, are quite illogical, and misleading.

Ciprian Herman #:

You can start as many as you want using a different wineprefix

Just create empty folders where ever you want. Mine are /Users/cip/Desktop/Multi-mt5/1,  /Users/cip/Desktop/Multi-mt5/2, /Users/cip/Desktop/Multi-mt5/3 etc. Set that on the WINEPREFIX and run the entire line in a terminal.  

Elizio Antonio de Rezende #:

It works like a charm. Tks

Do I need to install separate instances of MT5 in each folder? Do I need to run that exact code in terminal each time I'm launching the app? Any step by step help would be awesome 🙏