Change Price in Expert Market On



I like to ask if we put Free EA on mql5 market, then some day we change it to paid EA.

What happend with some one who already download (when still free) when he download the update version (change to paid version). Is he will be charge or still free for download?


Agus Wahyu Pratomo: I like to ask if we put Free EA on mql5 market, then some day we change it to paid EA. What happend with some one who already download (when still free) when he download the update version (change to paid version). Is he will be charge or still free for download?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Do downloads during “free” phase of a market product have to be (re)purchased during a “paid” phase?

Eleni Anna Branou, 2022.01.30 18:25

Once a product becomes paid Fernando, all the previous (free) owners can continue to use it, but they can do so as long as they have enough activations.

For your second question, I guess that the owner will continue to use it on the computers its already installed, but will need to comply with the remaining activations if any new installation is required.

Fernando Carreiro #:

thanks for your reply