HELP ! MT4 Trade Manager and the resolution renders it unusable.


HELP ! I just installed the MT4 Trade Manager I my surface pro and the resolution renders it unusable.

I adjust the screen resolution and everything changes but the trade manager.

The fonts size is good but the box is too small so it is all scrunched up and unreadable.

Normally you can just click on the corner of the window and drag it larger. Not the case

Please help


HELP ! I just installed the MT4 Trade Manager I my surface pro and the resolution renders it unusable.

I adjust the screen resolution and everything changes but the trade manager.

The fonts size is good but the box is too small so it is all scrunched up and unreadable.

Normally you can just click on the corner of the window and drag it larger. Not the case

Please help

Sounds like it has not been coded to deal with high resolution screens.  Speak to the developer