Seller registration rejected for no reason and could not contact the support



My seller registration was rejected and I tried to find out the reason and wanna to contact the support through service desk but there is only chat robot and couldnt find anything useful for this rejection issue.



My seller registration was rejected and I tried to find out the reason and wanna to contact the support through service desk but there is only chat robot and couldnt find anything useful for this rejection issue.



Verification process is fully automated process (surely with few exceptions). So, no one from MQL team should respond to you. If you are doing everything is correct right way - you will be validated, if not so - not.

Follow the procedure stated by MQL5 and fulfill the document requirements as asked by the MQL in precised manner


Hi All,

I have upload everytime correct photos and selfie but everytime rejected, event all the place i have upload those document and my selfie its approved even by octafx. 

but this time sayting again upload but after some time giving message your not approved seller.

please check my documents i have upload all the correct but your robot functinality not capturing my details

so please your can active my upload functinality and check my existing upload picture and approved my seller account


alpesh ramani #:

Hi All,

I have upload everytime correct photos and selfie but everytime rejected, event all the place i have upload those document and my selfie its approved even by octafx. 

but this time sayting again upload but after some time giving message your not approved seller.

please check my documents i have upload all the correct but your robot functinality not capturing my details

so please your can active my upload functinality and check my existing upload picture and approved my seller account


Dear Alpesh,

This is a Forum and we being Individual users cannot approve, accept or reject your Seller request and only MQL5 Team/Admin can approve or accept it if all looks good.

Further as written OCTAFX is a Broker and MQL5 is not a Broker instead they are nothing like OctaFX so your comparison that - "approved even by OctaFX" doesn't stands anywhere as any Broker is not a God of Compliance so if they accept its not a necessity that MQL5 should accept it too.

Read everything in proper before uploading documents for Seller Approval, if English is a problem would ask you to use google translator to understand the process in clear manner.

If you are still stuck, contact service desk on this link and try to be short n sweet in your raised requests so that you get accurate reply to your concerns being faced.