Public discussion of the formula for calculating the cost of resources in MQL5 Cloud Network

Публичное обсуждение формулы расчета стоимости ресурсов в MQL5 Cloud Network
Следующие пару месяцев MQL5 Cloud Network будет работать в публичном тестовом режиме, чтобы дать возможность разработчикам найти и исправить максимум ошибок. Next couple of months MQL5 Cloud Network will work in public test mode to allow developers to find and fix the maximum errors. Once workflows stabilize the network and include a full...

Expected PR 100 with USD 0.17/Agent/Hour is expensive!!!Please share your view!!!

Too expensive!!!!

Expected PR 100 with USD 0.17/Agent/Hour is expensive!!!Please share your view!!!

The agents are very slow on the cloud, why?

1sen/hour is reasonable!!!

The agents are very slow on the cloud, why?
We are working on it. 
Too expensive!!!!
This is a discussion only, not a decision.

1sen/hour is reasonable!!!

This is a discussion only, not a decision.
please lower the price, and you can add a donation option to the cloud services, we will donate money to you if we earn money from the market.
if someone join into the cloud network and offer his resource for free, so he should get free treatment.

MSQL5 Cloud Network is not for profit cloud network! FREE is the Best Solution!!!


1sen/hour is reasonable!!!

For the buyer reasonably.


Expected PR 100 with USD 0.17/Agent/Hour is expensive!!!Please share your view!!!

Too expensive!!!!

I agree, too expensive.