Financial operations are limited . Please contact our technical support team

Hi dear Traders
Did any one else seen that before , after I paid third VPS server for testing strategy’s . I have x 3 demo vps for different broker and when time comes to get one for the real live account when fund already been deposited on MT4 and on the payment page for the real VPS , they limited my account. It’s sad . Technical and customer service in this place is unreachable . 15$ is on my mql5 account but can’t use it ? Had to go for other FOREX VPS  provider with even lower latency
Vladimirs Bekasovs:
Hi dear Traders
Did any one else seen that before , after I paid third VPS server for testing strategy’s . I have x 3 demo vps for different broker and when time comes to get one for the real live account when fund already been deposited on MT4 and on the payment page for the real VPS , they limited my account. It’s sad . Technical and customer service in this place is unreachable . 15$ is on my mql5 account but can’t use it ? Had to go for other FOREX VPS  provider with even lower latency

Yes, it happens sometimes after payment, only the Service Desk can remove this limitation, so contact them please.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Yes, it happens sometimes after payment, only the Service Desk can remove this limitation, so contact them please.

Thank you for your reply,but only help desk I found is virtual assistant ? Not much help from this virtual assistance, is there any email or phone for the help desk ?
Mr Vladimirs Bekasovs #:
Thank you for your reply,but only help desk I found is virtual assistant ? Not much help from this virtual assistance, is there any email or phone for the help desk ?
read post
How do I contact the Service Desk?
How do I contact the Service Desk?
  • 2021.08.20
I tried to upload money from my paypal account. Some problem occurred...
Vladimirs Bekasovs #:
Thank you for your reply,but only help desk I found is virtual assistant ? Not much help from this virtual assistance, is there any email or phone for the help desk ?


Your account has been unblocked.

Don't create new accounts if you have problems with the current one. All your other accounts have been deleted.

Alexey Petrov #:


Your account has been unblocked.

Don't create new accounts if you have problems with the current one. All your other accounts have been deleted.

Hi Alexey,

Could you please help me to unblock my account too. I tried to top up this morning but failed and it gave me the same error. Thanks.