I have an account in MT4 - page 2

Badrfa #:
The application data is saved on an external sheet and I found it among the special sheets of the MT4 program.
This is what made me open the program.

You found a "special sheet of the MT4 program" which is why you opened the program? That makes no sense. I agree with Fernando Carreiro.

There is no "identical to the name in the program". The program does not have a name.

This is my name in the MT4 application
As in the driver's license
Badrfa #: This is my name in the MT4 application. As in the driver's license

You already have the brokers name and the account number, so what are you waiting for? Contact the broker and resolve the issue with them!

I do not know the name of the broker since the beginning of writing my post, and I ask for help in finding the name of the broker only
Badrfa #: I do not know the name of the broker since the beginning of writing my post, and I ask for help in finding the name of the broker only

If even when you are starring at the brokers name right in front of you and you don't recognise it, then you are beyond help.

Is it in the red circle?