EA hotkeys conflict with terminal

Hello, I'm using some shortcut keys to perform some actions via keyboard..

the problem that when I configure a hotkey that MT5 also uses.. it works but also activates the function

of MT5, for example the "SPACE" that activates a search box at the bottom of the chart.. my question is, how to "undo" the key

shortcut to the terminal.. that is, SPACE does not activate the terminal function.. I use the "OnChartEvent" event

Code example:
void CTradePanel::OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
      bool pKey = false;
      Print("Tecla pressionada: ", lparam);
      if(KEY_COMPRA == lparam) {
         pKey = true;


Murilo Junqueira: Hello, I'm using some shortcut keys to perform some actions via keyboard. the problem that when I configure a hotkey that MT5 also uses.. it works but also activates the function of MT5, for example the "SPACE" that activates a search box at the bottom of the chart.. my question is, how to "undo" the key shortcut to the terminal.. that is, SPACE does not activate the terminal function.. I use the "OnChartEvent" event
I don't think you can. You will have to use a different shortcut key for your EA!