Discussion of article "Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 01): Linear Regression" - page 2


What is a Model

A model is nothing but a suffix.

A suffix ? I don't get what this mean.

Before you can open a CSV file that was created by our test script you need to convert it into UTF-8 encoding so that it could be read by python.

Why is that ? Just create an UTF-8 data file directly from MQL.

Red ellipse added by me. That's wrong, this point is not an "y-intercept" and its coordinates is not (0,-5).

Alain Verleyen #:

A suffix ? I don't get what this mean.

Why is that ? Just create an UTF-8 data file directly from MQL.

Red ellipse added by me. That's wrong, this point is not an "y-intercept" and its coordinates is not (0,-5).

by the word suffix I mean a mathematical notation, like y=mx+c this is a model

Yeah I get it, made a mistake in the image the other point was supposed to be (-5,0) and it is not a "y-intercept"

Great article! I've developed a linear regression indicator for MT4 with integrated R-squared coefficient!