please i get access to mlq5 account

please help. i used window xp

"Please help" gives no valuable information at all.

If the problem is with access to your mql5 account as the original title suggests, then you have already solved that problem.

You are already accessing it, you logged in and posted your message.

If there is some other problem, perhaps you could provide some details...

please help. i used window xp

Same here,,, I also use Windows XP SP3,,,, maybe until next few years (or more :p )

I don't have any problem with my OS, especially with MetaTrader 4 & 5.

So, what's your problem anyway?

then why is it that am trying to log in this account on mt4 platform and is not responding.

i use window xp can that be the problem

advice on what i should do
whenever i try to log in to my account with mlq5 on my mlq4 platform this are the respond i get in journal it will say account activated but code will not reponse it will not open my account


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