Documents for taxation in Italy

Where can I download the annual statement in CVS/Excel format for the tax return?
Where can I download the annual statement in CVS/Excel format for the tax return?

There is no annual statement to download and you are not a seller as far as I can see, so what are you talking about?

And where can I retrieve the documents to calculate the fees to be paid?
Eleni Anna Branou #:

There is no annual statement to download and you are not a seller as far as I can see, so what are you talking about?

No, however, I should make a tax return in Italy and I have to pay taxes on my profits. Where can I find the balance sheet of capital gains and average stock
marioluciani #:
No, however, I should make a tax return in Italy and I have to pay taxes on my profits. Where can I find the balance sheet of capital gains and average stock

I see, you are talking about your trading account's profits, this is is not your broker's website.

Contact them please, has nothing to do with your trading account.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

I see, you are talking about your trading account's profits, this is is not your broker's website.

Contact them please, has nothing to do with your trading account.

Ok, thanks for your answer