Operation payment


Why ?

Cancel: Subscription to signal 'Boom Crash Trader' (author: 'thelasttrader93-gmail') for a month (01.21–02.21)

Abdullah Azis:

Why ?

Cancel: Subscription to signal 'Boom Crash Trader' (author: 'thelasttrader93-gmail') for a month (01.21–02.21)

A subscriber cancelled the subscription, but this can't be recent, refunds are only given within 24 hours of subscription or if the Service Desk approves them.

Eleni Anna Branou # :

Pelanggan hanya berlangganan, tetapi ini bisa baru-baru ini, tidak dana diberikan dalam waktu 24 jam setelah berlangganan atau jika Service Desk menyetujuinya.

Thank you for your help. this really helps me who wes is confused