MT5 Broker registrations


My questions the brokers are present in MT5 platform this broker is fully validate by MT5 or Not?

Because the MT5 take a responsibility of this validations of broker?

I have account ibell market lives & this broker is on MT5 platform.

Please help me out this broker is Fake or Real by MT5 Team?


My questions the brokers are present in MT5 platform this broker is fully validate by MT5 or Not?

Because the MT5 take a responsibility of this validations of broker?

I have account ibell market lives & this broker is on MT5 platform.

Please help me out this broker is Fake or Real by MT5 Team?

Metaquotes is only licensing their software to brokers, is not a regulating authority nor financial police to inspect their behavior.

You should take great care when you choose a broker, searching for any regulating government authorities that may regulate them and check their reviews in various online websites.

Also never trust a so called broker that contacts you through 'agents' trying to persuade you to deposit some money with them.

No respectable and well known broker will ever do that.