Debugger worked well, but now exits immediately


Hello,  I have used the debugger with several indicators and have become familiar with it.  But lately when the debugger is launched it opens the indicator properties window normally, but then quits in less than a second.  Any breakpoints are not reached. This now happens with all .mt5 indicator files I have tried.  I did not intentionally change any settings.

Any assistance appreciated.



Well, i don't see any response yet, so here how I resolved my problem.  Maybe this will help other users.

My application folder is, C:\Users\Tim7\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\<32-char string>

(Call it MyAppFolder)

First I copied it to MyAppFolder -Copy

Then I restored MyAppFolder from a backup that was created before the problem developed, and copied any recent changes into the restored copy.

When I restarted MT5 using the restored MyAppFolder the problem was no longer present

(Would have been nice to find the root cause.)