Are ressources cached?



have the problem that a button bitmap is not changed, even i changed the bitmap

#resource "\\Images\\ expert1 \\bt.bmp"


#define bmp_bt "::Images\\expert1\\bt.bmp"


CBmpButton bt;
// create button...

bt.BmpNames( bmp_bt  , bmp_bt  );

I have 2 machines. One machine is the developer machine.

On this machine,  the button has the correct new bitmap.

On the 2nd machine not.

I deleted the expert1.ex5 on 2nd machine and copied over from machine 1.

On both machines expert binaries are same.

So it should show the new bitmap also on machine 2 but it does not.

Is there any cache in the game?
Thank you

chinaski: Is there any cache in the game?

On MT4 I noted:

Be aware that using resources is 40x times slower than using CIs directly.
          A custom indicator as a resource - MQL4 programming forum (2019)


Thank you for answer,  but where is the link?  My post is not about speed and not about to include an indicator as resource,

it is about bitmap resources compiled into .ex5 (.ex4). Same .exe on different plattform but different bitmaps...

I want to avoid to load bitmaps because 

1. The documentation says, it is slower (you need to load bitmap)

2. Less effort when deploying because no need to ship bitmaps

Why looks a bitmap button used in same .ex5 different on different machines?

That's the essence of my question.

Thank you for help

chinaski #:

Thank you for answer,  but where is the link?  My post is not about speed and not about to include an indicator as resource,

it is about bitmap resources compiled into .ex5 (.ex4). Same .exe on different plattform but different bitmaps...

I want to avoid to load bitmaps because 

1. The documentation says, it is slower (you need to load bitmap)

2. Less effort when deploying because no need to ship bitmaps

Why looks a bitmap button used in same .ex5 different on different machines?

That's the essence of my question.

Thank you for help

Probably resources are buffered in .dat files. Either objects.dat, may be <your_expert_symbol_tf_symbol_Ini.dat> in files. Could just figure out when deleted all those files,  the bitmap was correct.  Stepping back to figure out which on exactly, brought no solution.

chinaski #:

Probably resources are buffered in .dat files. Either objects.dat, may be <your_expert_symbol_tf_symbol_Ini.dat> in files. Could just figure out when deleted all those files,  the bitmaps was correct.  Stepping back to figure out which on exactly, brought no solution.

I don't know what is the reason for your problem but there is no such cache for resources.