How can US-citizen trade stocks and futures via MetaTrader?

I Googled a lot, but cannot find any broker. Can anybody help? I'm not asking for endorsements, just for confirmation if there is at least a single one.

Any recommendations about the broker is prohibited on the forum.


What I can confirm for sure is that, yes there are brokers for MT4 and MT5 which allow US citizens to trade. 
I Googled a lot, but cannot find any broker. Can anybody help? I'm not asking for endorsements, just for confirmation if there is at least a single one.

There are several brokers with offices in the U.S. that offer MT4 and at least one offering MT5. (That's a recent change, there used to be only MT4 ones)

Google gets dumber by the year, these days you need to type "USA" and put it in quotation marks if you want your results to contain the country; even if you type "united states" you get pages containing the pronoun "us". :insert_double_facepalm_emoji_if_there_is_one: