Suggestion for a correction in the documentation


Hi there!

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, i just didn't find a better one.

i've found a discrepancy  between the documentation and the real behaviour:

For FrameAdd(), the documentation states:

    [in]  An array of any type to write into the frame. Passed by reference.
But in Realitiy, String- and Object-arrays aren't allowed (according to the compiler-error ;)

So if this isn't a compiler-bug, i'd suggest to change the above sentence in the docs to something like:

"[in]  An array of any type to write into the frame,  except string- and object-arrays. Passed by reference."

KR, Tom

I suggest to change it as follows:

"[in]  An array of any fundamental/primitive type to write into the frame. Passed by reference."
Dominik Christian Egert #:
I suggest to change it as follows:

"[in]  An array of any fundamental/primitive type to write into the frame. Passed by reference."

Sounds much better, thanks for your suggestion!