delay in running in event handling


hi guys

I wrote some code to move vertical line by keyboard( number 4 for backward & number 6 for forward)

it is correct but it has delay every time I press bottom.

how can I overcome this issue?

(sorry for my bad english)

void OnChartEvent(const int EventID,const long& lparam,const double& dparam,const string& sparam)
   datetime base=ObjectGetInteger(0,"Line",OBJPROP_TIME,0);
      short KeyThatWasPressed = TranslateKey((int)lparam);

      else if(ShortToString(KeyThatWasPressed)=="4")

hi guys

I wrote some code to move vertical line by keyboard( number 4 for backward & number 6 for forward)

it is correct but it has delay every time I press bottom.

how can I overcome this issue?

(sorry for my bad english)

Metatrader 4 or 5? On 5 calls to ObjectMove are not synchronous.

Thanks a lot

ChartRedraw was my answer.

I didn't know that was asynchronous.