Hello, my question - Pointers to the Functions. - page 3

Yes, thank you.

I won't claim, I know mql as good as some others, but I would sayi know my way around and it took me a huge load of work to get to know all the little details.

The contribution you have received here is more than just a few simple words and shows quite some experience at hand.

So it is fair to say, anyone who wrote has contributed to your issue, trying to help you solve it.

If you cannot do it on your own, which seems quite obvious by now, go over to the freelance section and pay someone to do it for you.

Anyways, it be interesting to know for what you need that. I cannot think of one reasonable use case to have to write assembly code for mql. The compiler cannot read it anyways, so for what?

If you'd understood how to write a dll in VC or whatever flavours your fingers, youd be coding anyways outside of mql.

To me your way of displaying yourself and trying to solve a task is flawed from the roots upward.


Btw, if "i" were a pointer as you stated in your example, you wouldn't need the array in the first place...

Just noticed, seems like you don't even know the usage of arrays or their indexing, don't want to think of you trying to use memory or indexes correctly.

Btw, if you'd know about computers and file systems, you'd also know, it is unnecessary to rename a files extension to view it in an editor.

It's funny how once in a while some random person shows up on the forum, displaying the bad job their parents have done in raising.

To bad it's over, I love such entertainment...

Couple of fulls.

Its done:


   mov eax,offset Function0          ; loading data

   call Print                                     ; calling Print funcion

   call cs:[eax]                                ; its faster, calling function, that address is in eax


Yes, "read manual" fulls.

Everything I have read,

and I write in MQL4/5 since ten years.



The Dunning Kruger effect is more real than I would've imagined.

Unless you are coding a machine slower than a pocket calculator, that "optimization" makes zero sense,
on nowadays processors.

Not to mention the latency between your preemptive OS, Ethernet, Internet, Broker Server....

Oh, come on...

I know what he was trying to do... Haha.

I bet, he tried to call an API or custom EA function from within a DLL or other external process embedded code.

So he tries to hack his way into the terminal, probably trying to do whatever....

If he'd be trying to get around licensing protection, he would have known ex4/5 is encrypted or at least scrambled.

Since 10 years .... Jap. We noticed.