how to delete popup window for modification of script settings (solved)



this below script:

//|                                               apply_template.mq5 |
//|                                   Copyright 2014, byJJ           |
//|                           |
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, by JJ"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property script_show_inputs
#property description "Simple Script for Apply Template and/or timeframe in all charts opened"
#include  <Charts\Chart.mqh>;

input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES tempo_grafico; // Change TimeFrame - Current = dont changed
input string template_name="D"; // Name of Template (without '.tpl')
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   long currChart,prevChart=ChartFirst();
   int i=0,limit=100;
   bool errTemplate;
      currChart=ChartNext(prevChart); // Obter o ID do novo gráfico usando o ID gráfico anterior

                                      // Se o tempo grafico e diferente aplica a todos

      // Aplica a template
         Print("Erro ao adicionar a template a ",ChartSymbol(prevChart),"-> ",GetLastError());
      if(currChart<0) break;          // Ter atingido o fim da lista de gráfico
      Print(i,ChartSymbol(currChart)," ID =",currChart);
      prevChart=currChart;// vamos salvar o ID do gráfico atual para o ChartNext()
      i++;// Não esqueça de aumentar o contador



is great, but my problem is when i want to apply it to chart a popup windows appear and then after it i should press ok then it run. simply i want this popup windows delete and script run without any verification or modification window 

Apply Template
Apply Template
Simple script for apply template and/or timeframe to all charts opened.

Let remove code below

#property script_show_inputs
Trinh Dat #:

Let remove code below

let thank you