New customer unable to make payment


Here is what he told me.

when subscribing, the payment page can't be loaded and payment can't be completed. 

Dileep Ajay Vijay:

Here is what he told me.

when subscribing, the payment page can't be loaded and payment can't be completed. 

He probably doesn't have Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge installed in his computer.

He should also check that he has logged into his MQL5 account with the correct login and NOT with his email or Facebook.

Also its better to deposit the necessary money into his MQL5 account first and then use the MQL5 way of payment to complete the signal subscription.

Thank you for fast response.

customer has given below details plus attached screenshots.

I can chat with you, recharge in mql5, open the mql5 website normally, but I can't load the payment page in MT4. I suspect it's a problem with mql5, but they don't admit it or provide a solution

china.png  70 kb
Dileep Ajay Vijay #:

customer has given below details plus attached screenshots.

I can chat with you, recharge in mql5, open the mql5 website normally, but I can't load the payment page in MT4. I suspect it's a problem with mql5, but they don't admit it or provide a solution

He doesn't have Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge installed in his computer.

Market terminal page, uses them for browsing.

Sir he has it installed. In my previous message I have attached file to prove that.
china.png  70 kb
Dileep Ajay Vijay #:
Sir he has it installed. In my previous message I have attached file to prove that.

the url link in the previous msg says public, without any id. looks like he is not logged into the website.

and seriously, if he still has internet explorer version 10, then, i doubt that he can view the website on that. He would have to use MS Edge to view the website, and install the market product. But with such old internet explorer he is bound to have all sorts of trojans and viruses on that hahaha. I would not even dare to chat to him via email or skype :D If his/her computer is that old, then, i wonder if mt4/5 is even compatable anymore. Just because he can chat and load community pages on mt4, does not automaticly mean he can load all the other website pages. Tell him to upgrade! If he hasnt been able to afford a computer upgrade since 2012, then he can not afford to trade.