Half Trend EA


help me for buy and sell condition based on half trend indicator

#define _htCall(_buff,_ind) iCustom(_Symbol,_Period,"half-trend nrp",inpHTPeriod,_buff,_ind)
   double  _htCurr  = _htCall(7,inpHtBarTotest);
   double  _htPrev = _htCall(7,inpHtBarTotest+1);

   bool _canBuy  = (_htCurr!=_htPrev && _htCurr== 1);
   bool _canSell = (_htCurr!=_htPrev && _htCurr==-1);

canbuy and cansell bool condition send multiple orders

<ex4 file deleted>


help me for buy and sell condition based on half trend indicator

canbuy and cansell bool condition send multiple orders

you need to try buff nr. 2 and 3 getting buy and sell signals.

#define _htCall(_buff,_ind) iCustom(_Symbol,_Period,"half-trend nrp",inpHTPeriod,_buff,_ind)
   double  _ht_2     = _htCall(2,inpHtBarTotest);
   double  _ht_2_1   = _htCall(2,inpHtBarTotest+1);
   double  _ht_3     = _htCall(3,inpHtBarTotest);
   double  _ht_3_1   = _htCall(3,inpHtBarTotest+1);

   bool _canBuy  = (_ht_2_1=_ht_3_1 && _ht_3==EMPTY_VALUE);
   //bool _canSell = (_htCurr!=_htPrev && _htCurr==-1);

 //     BuyOrder();
      int buyticket = OrderSend(_Symbol,OP_BUY,0.01,Ask,10,0,0,"TEST",110,0,clrWhite);
also send multiple orders

Bar 2, Bar 1 and Bar 0

#define _htCall(_buff,_ind) iCustom(_Symbol,_Period,"half-trend nrp",inpHTPeriod,_buff,_ind)
   double  _ht_2     = _htCall(5,inpHtBarTotest);
   double  _ht_2_1   = _htCall(5,inpHtBarTotest+1);
   double  _ht_3     = _htCall(6,inpHtBarTotest);
   double  _ht_3_1   = _htCall(6,inpHtBarTotest+1);

   bool _canBuy  = (_ht_2_1==EMPTY_VALUE && _ht_2!=EMPTY_VALUE);


not tested but you should try this way...

//|                                                     Test_Own.mq4 |
//|                                            Copyright 2021, RNHPL |
//|                                                      XXXXXXXXXXX |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, RNHPL"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

enum enTestedBar
   test_opened=0, // Test still opened bar
   test_closed=1  // Test first closed bar

input int         inpHTPeriod       = 2;              // Fast EMA period
input enTestedBar inpHtBarTotest    = test_opened;    // Bar to test
input bool        alertsOn          = false;
input bool        alertsOnCurrent   = false;
input bool        alertsMessage     = true;
input bool        alertsSound       = false;
input bool        alertsEmail       = false;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()


//|                                                                  |
bool newBar()
   static datetime TimeBar=0;
   bool flag=false;
// return true if you are in new bar.
   return (flag);

//|                                                                  |
void SearchSignal()
#define _htCall(_buff,_ind) iCustom(_Symbol,_Period,"HalfTrend 1 & alerts",inpHTPeriod,_buff,_ind)

   double   _ht_0_current     =  _htCall(0,inpHtBarTotest);
   double   _ht_0_previous    =  _htCall(0,inpHtBarTotest+1);
   double   _ht_1_current     =  _htCall(1,inpHtBarTotest);
   double   _ht_1_previous    =  _htCall(1,inpHtBarTotest+1);

   bool _can_buy  = (_ht_0_previous==_ht_1_previous && _ht_0_current!=_ht_1_current);

      int Order = OrderSend(_Symbol,OP_BUY,1,Ask,100,0,0,"BUY",0,0,clrWhite);

Can help me to order once per bar?

this is indicator


put this command before your buy order line

if(iVolume(Symbol(),0,0)<=1 && Position_Chek()==0)




int Position_Chek()


   int num=0;

   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)




         if(OrderMagicNumber()==1010 || OrderMagicNumber()==2020)






Farhad Alizadeh #:


For a new bar test, Bars is unreliable (a refresh/reconnect can change number of bars on chart), volume is unreliable (miss ticks), Price is unreliable (duplicate prices and The == operand. - MQL4 programming forum.) Always use time.
          MT4: New candle - MQL4 programming forum #3 (2014)
          MT5: Accessing variables - MQL4 programming forum #3 (2022)

I disagree with making a new bar function, because it can only be called once per tick (second call returns false). A variable can be tested multiple times.
          Running EA once at the start of each bar - MQL4 programming forum (2011)

TBS #: Can help me to order once per bar?
void OnTick()

Why are you calling newBar and ignoring the result?