Product rating lowered for bad description

Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I recently started listing products to sell on the marketplace but I ran into a problem. One of my new listings is having issues in regards to the description and product rating. I've read the rules and I do not see what I'm doing wrong that would cause issues. I'll include a screenshot and a link to the problem listing.

Tyler Henry Roberts:
Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I recently started listing products to sell on the marketplace but I ran into a problem. One of my new listings is having issues in regards to the description and product rating. I've read the rules and I do not see what I'm doing wrong that would cause issues. I'll include a screenshot and a link to the problem listing.

Most of your description is in bulleted lists and you don't have entered description in other languages.

By doing those you will improve your rating.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Most of your description is in bulleted lists and you don't have entered description in other languages.

By doing those you will improve your rating.

I'll give it a go, thank you.