currency convertion

Hi all,

How can write a function which converts a price in currency into an other currency ?
For exemple converting 38 EUR into AUD...
Is an mql5 function exists ?
38 EUR ÷ EURAUD = 38 ÷ 1.56940 = 24.21 AUD
William Roeder #:
38 EUR ÷ EURAUD = 38 ÷ 1.56940 = 24.21 AUD
It was an example...
My aim is to convert XXX to YYY.
Erwann Pannerec #:
It was an example...
My aim is to convert XXX to YYY.

For example, XXX to AUD

double price_aud = 38 * ExchangeRate("EUR");

double ExchangeRate(string currency)    //xxx to AUD
   double ret_rate = -1.0;

   if (currency == "AUD")
      ret_rate = 1.00;
   else if (currency == "CAD")
      ret_rate = 1.00 / iClose("AUDCAD" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);
   else if (currency == "CHF")
      ret_rate = 1.00 / iClose("AUDCHF" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);
   else if (currency == "EUR")
      ret_rate = iClose("EURAUD" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);
   else if (currency == "GBP")
      ret_rate = iClose("GBPAUD" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);
   else if (currency == "JPY")
      ret_rate = 1.00 / iClose("AUDJPY" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);
   else if (currency == "NZD")
      ret_rate = 1.00 / iClose("AUDNZD" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);
   else if (currency == "USD")
      ret_rate = 1.00 / iClose("AUDUSD" + symbol_suffix, PERIOD_D1, 0);

   return (ret_rate);

There is no MT function to convert currencie rates, it has to be custom . Find out the path from input currency to output currency and multiply or divide by the appropriate rate, there should be no more than 3 steps .

William Roeder #:
38 EUR ÷ EURAUD = 38 ÷ 1.56940 = 24.21 AUD
Which is incorrect. You need to multiply.
Alain Verleyen #: Which is incorrect. You need to multiply.


William Roeder #:


Nagisa Unada #:

For example, XXX to AUD

Which is also incorrect. When you use a "reverse" symbol (so when you divide), you need to use the ask price. iClose() always returns the bid.


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