OrderSend() Error 10013 - Invalid request

Hi All, I am having this error when calling OrderSend function. I hope someone can help me.

This is error log :

2021.11.11 04:10:45.254 TEST (EURUSD,M5) Alert: Open market order: Error 10013 - Invalid request
2021.11.11 04:10:45.254 TEST (EURUSD,M5) MqlTradeRequest - action:1, comment:, deviation:20, expiration:2021.11.11 23:10:41, magic:132781905614498815, order:0, position:0, position_by:0, price:1.14799, ls:0.0, stoplimit:0.0, symbol:EURUSD, tp:0.0, type:0, type_filling:-370154256, type_time:0, volume:0.01
2021.11.11 04:10:45.254 TEST (EURUSD,M5) MqlTradeResult - ask:0.0, bid:0.0, comment:Invalid request, deal:0, order:0, price:0.0, request_id:0, retcode:10013, retcode_external:0, volume:0.0
2021.11.11 04:10:45.254 TEST (EURUSD,M5) Open buy order #0: 10013 - Invalid request, Volume: 0.0, Price: 0.0, Bid: 0.0, Ask: 0.0

Here's the code : I've got it from the Book : Expert Advisor for Metatrader 5 by Andrew Young.

// Reset Request Result
void CTrade::ResetRR()

// Open Position
bool CTrade::OpenPosition(string pSymbol,ENUM_ORDER_TYPE pType,double pVolume,double pStop=0.000000,double pProfit=0.000000,string pComment = NULL)
   request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
        request.symbol = pSymbol;
        request.type = pType;
        request.sl = pStop;
        request.tp = pProfit;
        request.comment = pComment;
        request.deviation = deviation;
        request.type_filling = fillType;
        request.magic = magicNumber;
        request.expiration = TimeCurrent()+86400;
        // Calculate lot size
        double positionVol = 0;
        long positionType = WRONG_VALUE;
        if(PositionSelect(pSymbol) == true)
                positionVol = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
                positionType = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
        if((pType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY && positionType == POSITION_TYPE_SELL) || (pType == ORDER_TYPE_SELL && positionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)) 
                request.volume = pVolume + positionVol;
        else request.volume = pVolume;

        // Order loop
        int retryCount = 0;
        int checkCode = 0;
                if(pType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
                else if(pType == ORDER_TYPE_SELL) request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_BID);
                bool sent = OrderSend(request,result);
                checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
                if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK) break;
                else if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_ERROR)
                        string errDesc = TradeServerReturnCodeDescription(result.retcode);
                        Alert("Open market order: Error ",result.retcode," - ",errDesc);
                        Print("Server error detected, retrying...");
        while(retryCount < MAX_RETRIES);
        if(retryCount >= MAX_RETRIES)
                string errDesc = TradeServerReturnCodeDescription(result.retcode);
                Alert("Max retries exceeded: Error ",result.retcode," - ",errDesc);
        string orderType = CheckOrderType(pType);
        string errDesc = TradeServerReturnCodeDescription(result.retcode);
        Print("Open ",orderType," order #",result.order,": ",result.retcode," - ",errDesc,", Volume: ",result.volume,", Price: ",result.price,", Bid: ",result.bid,", Ask: ",result.ask);
        if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK) 
                Comment(orderType," position opened at ",result.price," on ",pSymbol);
        else return(false);   


Calling code in OnInit:

   CTrade pp;
   string symbol= "EURUSD"; 
Documentation on MQL5: Trade Functions / OrderSend
Documentation on MQL5: Trade Functions / OrderSend
  • www.mql5.com
OrderSend - Trade Functions - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

These two fields raise questions:

        request.type_filling = fillType;
        request.expiration = TimeCurrent()+86400;

Are you sure you are filling them in correctly? To check - use the code based on the Standard Library.

Vladimir Karputov #:

These two fields raise questions:

Are you sure you are filling them in correctly? To check - use the code based on the Standard Library.

Hi Vladimir,

  Thanks for the reply. You are right. After I set the filltype properties to ORDER_FILLTYPE_IOC it send the market order
successfully. Thanks.


I have Error is given . It says "Order Modify Failed. Error code: 10013" .

void OnTick()
   MqlTick tick;
   if(SymbolInfoTick(Symbol(), tick))
      double entry = tick.ask;
      double tick_size = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);

      MqlTradeRequest request = {};
      MqlTradeResult result = {};

      // Open a new position with zero stop loss and take profit
      request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
      request.symbol = Symbol();
      request.volume = 0.1; // Modify this to your desired volume.
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY; // Modify this to ORDER_TYPE_SELL for a sell order.
      request.price = entry;
      request.sl = entry - 100 * tick_size; // Zero stop loss.
      request.tp = entry + 100 * tick_size; // Zero take profit.

      if(!OrderSend(request, result))
         Print("Order Failed = ", result.retcode);
         Print("Order placed. Ticket: ", result.order);

      Sleep(5000); // 5 seconds delay (modify this as needed).

      ulong Pos_ticket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET);
      double Pos_entry=PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
      string Pos_Symbol=PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);
      double Pos_Volume=PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);

      MqlTradeRequest modifyRequest = {};
      MqlTradeResult modifyResult = {};

      modifyRequest.symbol = Pos_Symbol;
      modifyRequest.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
      modifyRequest.position = Pos_ticket;
      modifyRequest.volume = Pos_Volume;
      modifyRequest.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;

      if(Pos_type == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
         modifyRequest.sl = Pos_entry - 500 * tick_size;
         modifyRequest.tp = Pos_entry + 500 * tick_size;
         if(Pos_type == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
            modifyRequest.sl = Pos_entry + 500 * tick_size;
            modifyRequest.tp = Pos_entry - 500 * tick_size;

      if(OrderSend(modifyRequest, modifyResult))
         Print("Order Modified. New SL: ", modifyRequest.sl, ", New TP: ", modifyRequest.tp);
         Print("Order Modify Failed. Error code: ", modifyResult.retcode);

Please Solve this 🙏..

Check bid and ask (you buy the ask and sell the bid!!) and your prices and use  MqlTradeCheckResult the order before sending.
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Data Structures / Request Check Result Structure
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Data Structures / Request Check Result Structure
  • www.mql5.com
Request Check Result Structure - Data Structures - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Carl Schreiber #:
Check bid and ask (you buy the ask and sell the bid!!) and your prices and use  MqlTradeCheckResult the order before sending.

void OnTick()
   ulong Pos_ticket = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET);
   double Pos_entry = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
   double Pos_Volume = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
   string Pos_Symbol = PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);

   MqlTick tick;
      MqlTradeRequest request = {};
      MqlTradeResult result = {};
      MqlTradeCheckResult check = {};

      double entry = tick.ask;
      double tick_size = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);

      request.symbol = Symbol();
      request.volume = 0.1;
      request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
      request.price = entry;
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;

      request.magic = 123456;
      request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
      request.sl = entry - 500 * tick_size;
      request.tp = entry + 500 * tick_size;

            Print("Order Send Placed = ",result.order);
            Print("Order Send Failed = ",result.retcode);
         Print("Order Checked to Send Failed = ",check.retcode);

      MqlTradeRequest Modifyrequest={};
      MqlTradeResult Modifyresult={};
      MqlTradeCheckResult Modifycheck ={};

      double sl =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL);
      double tp =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP);
      Modifyrequest.symbol = Pos_Symbol;
      Modifyrequest.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
      Modifyrequest.position = Pos_ticket;
      Modifyrequest.sl = sl;
      Modifyrequest.tp = tp;

      if(Pos_type == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
         sl = Pos_entry - 500 * tick_size;
         tp = Pos_entry + 500 * tick_size;
         if(Pos_type == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
            sl = Pos_entry + 500 * tick_size;
            tp = Pos_entry - 500 * tick_size;
            Print("Order Modified = ",Modifyresult.order);
            Print("Order Modify Failed = ",Modifyresult.retcode);
         Print("Order Checked to Modify Failed = ",Modifycheck.retcode);

It says Error "Order Checked to Modify Failed = 10013" . Sir, Please solve it🙏🙏
i have same error. please help me 
Invalid request reply code 10013

im trying to set takeprofit and stoploss for every  trade.

this is the code : 

//|                                                    AutoSLTP2.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"

#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
    Print("0N init");

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //EventKillTimer(); // destroy timer

//| TradeTransaction function                                        |
void OnTradeTransaction(const MqlTradeTransaction& trans,const MqlTradeRequest& request,const MqlTradeResult& result)

    if (trans.type == TRADE_TRANSACTION_ORDER_ADD)
    Print("insidee type checl");
      MqlTradeResult result2 = result;
        SetStopLossAndTakeProfit(request, result2);
void OnTick()
   //Print("0N Tick");

//| Set Stop Loss and Take Profit                                    |
void SetStopLossAndTakeProfit(const MqlTradeRequest& request,
                              MqlTradeResult& result)
Print("Symbol: ", request.symbol);
    double stopLoss = CalculateStopLoss(request.symbol);
    double takeProfit = CalculateTakeProfit(request.symbol);
        Print("Stop Loss: ", stopLoss); // Add this line to print out stop loss
    Print("Take Profit: ", takeProfit); // Add this line to print out take profit
    MqlTradeRequest modRequest = request;
    modRequest.sl = stopLoss;
    modRequest.tp = takeProfit;

    Print("Attention Sending Order ");
    ulong ticket = OrderSend(modRequest, result);
    Print(__FUNCTION__,": ",result.comment," reply code ",result.retcode);
    if(ticket < 0)
        Print("OrderSend failed, Error code: ", GetLastError());
        Print("OrderSend failed, Reason: ", result.comment);
        Print("Order sent successfully with ticket: ", ticket);

//| Calculate Stop Loss                                             |
double CalculateStopLoss(const string symbol)
    double point = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
    double stopLoss = NormalizeDouble(point * 300, Digits());
    Print("SLLLL IS ");
    return stopLoss;

//| Calculate Take Profit                                           |
double CalculateTakeProfit(const string symbol)
    double point = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
    double takeProfit = NormalizeDouble(point * 900, Digits());
    Print("TPPP IS ");
    return takeProfit;

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Discover new MetaTrader 5 opportunities with MQL5 community and services
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MQL5: language of trade strategies built-in the MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform, allows writing your own trading robots, technical indicators, scripts and libraries of functions

You are sending invalid request. Use Crade class with standalone metaquotes library. I never seen a similar issue.
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 00:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 04:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2408.42 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 04:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2364.52 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 00:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 12:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2372.94 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 12:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 20:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2389.22 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 20:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.29 16:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2393.88 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.29 16:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.30 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2382.64 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]

I m getting this error. What could be issue?
Nobert Barigye Kiiza #:
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 00:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 04:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2408.42 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 04:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2364.52 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 00:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 12:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2372.94 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 12:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 20:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2389.22 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 20:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.29 16:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2393.88 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.29 16:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.30 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2382.64 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]

I m getting this error. What could be issue?


Could you show us the code which you are using here to send the order? There may be many reasons why the request is invalid, you should check ask/bid prices, or set some slippage or normalize the prices etc. We can help you more if we see the code.

Best Regards

Nobert Barigye Kiiza #:
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 00:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 04:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2408.42 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.24 04:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2364.52 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 00:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 12:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2372.94 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 12:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 20:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2389.22 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.26 20:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.29 16:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2393.88 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.29 16:00:00   OrderSend succeeded: 0
2024.08.24 18:25:05.450 Core 1 2024.07.30 00:00:00   failed instant buy 0.1 XAUUSD at 2382.64 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 [Invalid request]

I m getting this error. What could be issue?
Does you broker allow to trade XAU/USD on Saturday (according to specification of this symbol)?